Note: Old forum thread from my forum at Photo taken using DC.
I'm gonna tell a little story about my trip to Wat Thammasirivararam aka Wat Kura (run some search on the internet you will see its picture). As the name implies you'll see lot of tortises there, not walking one but statue only. This is my third visit to Wat Kura, I was told by my friend that i can find Somdej Wat Rakang there, my first visit was last year but returned with nothing because the abbot not around and he is the one who kept the key. There are many, I mean really many good amulet there with affordable price but Kruba Kritsana’s butterfly is what attracted me, not very beautiful one but its really cheap, maybe RM30-RM50 I think. Since no luck with my first, I manage to return on some other day. Btw I have got my “real” somdej wat rakang last year by purchasing it directly at wat rakang, amulet is absolutely beautiful, the price is cheap, temple is nice and its been fun, well its another story to tell.
My second visit was few months back, again the abbot who keep the key is not around, grrrrrr……but I met a Luang Phor, don’t know his name, asked him but forgot, aged and nice, speak with me using extremely simple hokkien, I tell him I want to buy the butterfly amulet, he said he don’t have the key and the abbot is not around, a little bit disappointed but then he cheer me up by showing me his own stuff, not much choice for the amulet really and well since he already showed me his stuff so I supportively buy one, its RM30 a chucuk from some temple in Bangkok. He said the money will be used to fund the school in the temple (well, guess wherever I go it will be school, kids, stuff like that, lolz). He got various type of amulet but not many, all of them are made by some temple in Thailand mostly Bangkok, I guess he don’t create amulet like Arjan Tia did.
My third visit to Wat Kura was earlier today, guess what, the key keeper (abbot of wat kura) is in the house now but he is still asleep! OMG what have I done wrong to have such a bad luck! I just want to rent that butterfly amulet goddamit. Guess what, I decided to wait until the abbot is wake up and im not going to back this time without my butterfly. While I wait the Luang Phor that I mentioned early appear again, this time is better because his thai-to-hokkien translator is with him, the translator is his devotees and he is from Perlis. Now that only I know he is Luang Phor Su, from somewhere 2 hours distance from Bangkok in a temple name Wat Isak (spelling). The translator tell me that he is good at fortune telling, so I think I might give it a shot to see what he got to say. The way he do fortune telling is very special, he just need your name (that he will later translate for you and write into thai) and your age (ang mo age, not chinese age), the translator said he will “foreseen” all about you and nothing can be hided under his eye, sounds scary, will he know if I have doubt about his availability? Lol what the heck. He then close his eye and start to meditate, during this time I can see his eyelash is shaking, it seems like he is trying hard to “see” thing about me.
After that he open his eye and tell me with smiling something that was upset me not very long ago, and its 100% accurate! Remember I only tell him my name and my age but nothing else. Simply amazing, what a shock! My mouth open widely and my eye balls almost drop. I then ask him about other thing, every time I ask 1 thing, he will close his eye and try to “see” it inside his head and tell me when he got the answer, its like in old computer each time you do querying you will see the hard disk light blinking and then output display on your monitor, they work exactly the same except he do it in spiritually way. He then suggest me to do floral bath, lolz I have seen this hundred of time in Wat Sungai Siput that performed by Arjan Tia even did that once but now I have to do it here. Ok im fine with it and go with it. During the bath weird thing happened, i just cant breathe, maybe the water is too cold or whatever, it doesn’t happened to me while Arjan Tia bath me last time. After bath he do some ritual on me and give me bracelet and a Kuan Yin amulet that produced by his own temple Wat Isak, the Kuan Yin amulet’s material is somekind of soil, maybe temple soil, interface very smooth and very nice, I liked it, best of all its totally free of charge! Translator said I only need to give him angpow to thank him for his floral bath service, I gave him RM50 in angpow to thank him, he will keep the angpow for his own and I buy another amulet for RM30 from him, which will be donated into the school. Before I left a thai kid came to pay respect to him, according to the translator that thai kid was hit by a car, he survived but doctor said he will become a vegetable (植物人) for the rest of his life, but Luang Phor Su saved this kid and now he is alive and jumping.
Translator said he is not the abbot here but he just stay here to help, he is a very fine and very nice monk, please pay him a respect next time you visit Wat Kura.
- DSCF8261.JPG (68.31 KB)Luang Phor Su
Before i leave, he go to his room and take a metta cream for me, the metta cream was brought from his Wat in Isan, thailand, the metta cream is in white color but its not fragrant, its smelless, dont know what it made of. Well its happy to see him again, just like visiting old friend, i hope he stay healthy and happy. Please pay respect to him next time if you visit Wat Kura, a very nice and eniment monk from Wat Isan, Thailand.
今天去空怀泰佛寺处理一些有关演唱会的文件,回程时顺便弯去 Wat Kura 看看 LP Sut,也顺便给他冲凉一下
他到这边是为了要帮他在泰国 Isan 的庙筹募基金,他也是在盖Ubosot,但由于没有钱就停此了。有时他还会去吉隆坡跟新加坡,他比给我看,10支手指,说他去过吉隆坡10次了,新加坡3 次,都是帮人冲花凉跟看命,很努力的一位和尚,也是一位很可爱很慈祥的老和尚。记得我第一次去Wat Kura看到他时,还不知道他是谁,因为当时我是去找佛牌,而不是找和尚的,刚好拿钥匙的主持人 “Nokorn” 又不在,他没有钥匙,福建话又不好,我就在那边跟他鸡同鸭讲的好一阵子,他也很努力的要帮我,但没有钥匙实在没办法,过后他又拿出他的私家佛牌让我请(可 以参考较早的帖)。呵呵,想起来有点不好意思,麻烦到他,实在无礼。然后过了不久再去时就遇到他的翻译 Ah Lee (他的弟子,Perlis Kayang 的人),才慢慢的了解到他。到目前为此,我已经拜访过他老人家7-8次了,他笑着说,你以后还是会再回来找我的。呵呵。。。看缘份吧。
今天去那边也有意外收获,冲完花凉后他拿出一尊 LP Thuad 说送我,老实说我拿他的佛牌拿到有点不好意思了,之前送我观音佛牌,又送我人缘膏,这次又送我 Wat Kura 出的LP Thuad,送我没有理由不拿,非常非常的感激他。大家如果有空或有经过 Wat Kura 就去拜访他吧,他多数在主坛内,不然就是在主坛旁边的房间里,他住在里面的。
他送我的LP Thuad,Wat Kura出的。
LP Sut 最近出的名片,如果要去找他又怕他不在,可以打电话给他或 Ah Lee。师傅的福建话非常的不好,最好问些比较简单的,比如 “今天有在吗”,这样就可以了。不然就打给Ah Lee也可以。
- 冲花凉(无需自备东西,但如果要自备花朵也可以)。LP Sut 的冲花凉非常特别,要冲3次,每10天一次,直至3次冲完。LP Sut 的冲花凉非常好。
- 看命。以坐禅方式可以观看到一个人的过去与未来,非常准确。
- 圣水。经过 LP Sut 加持过的圣水非常好,曾经有位当地的泰籍小孩因车祸而医生宣布成为植物人,但后来因为长时间都喝 LP Sut 的圣水,居然奇迹性的好了起来,我也看过那位小孩子,实在无法想象他曾经是植物人。
- 佛牌加持等。
以上所有的服务均以红包乐捐的方式来答谢,所得到的钱 LP Sut 都会用来盖他在泰国 Insan 的庙。LP Sut是一位非常好,可爱以及慈祥的老和尚,也是位高僧。
I went to Wat Sungai Siput today and on the route visited LP Sut to present rice and CNY angpao, lolz. Met him and like usual it started with a little chit chat first, after that he ask me to do floral bath again, i mean, again? Everytime i go there he will ask me to bath, was is me carry too many "dirty" luck or my karma is just too bad need to wash away so many times, lol, since im free so just ok with it. LP Sut getting popular with his floral bath, see there are lot of holy water there. LP Sut everyday will chant the holy water to make them well prepared for anyone who are needed.
This area is for devotee to do floral bath, just beside the toilet. Sit on that red chair, facing out and join palm.
Nice coconut tree and beautiful blue sky, look at the cloud, what do you think it looks like? Dragon? ngeik ngeik ngeik...
So this is where it started, lot of turtles, so it called Wat Kura.
And "Sadhu" 很好 is kind of the slogan of this temple.
The compound of Wat Kura is quite big.
There is a small temple with twin nang kwak, white in color because people rub it with powder. I used to saw 4 digit underneath the statue, must be written by people, so i bet on that number for 1 draw, didnt strike, but after 3 draw the 4 digit cun cun hit the 1 prize, but i didnt bet, am tui. Those who are magnum kaki next time can buy perfume or powder there to pray for luck.
There is a beautiful temple there on the right wing, dont know what inside.
2 gong infront of the kitchen, i suppose it serve as the bell to call monk for lunch.
The picture of young "Noh Kun", the actual abbot of Wat Kura, very handsome.
Lots of amulets that you can chow from Wat Kura, mostly from other temple. Huge takrut, dont know who made it, can see the monk picture on the takrut. Wear 4-5 takrut like that on your chest will protect you from bullet, just cant getting through, lolz.
Lot of stuff inside the main hall.
i saw this 2 kmt behind the place where LP Sut sit, can see the poster of the creator too, but cant recognize who is it. LP Sut said its just RM30 to if you want to chow, i want to chow it but after think again i worry if im not good in taking care kmt, LP Sut take the kmt and close his eyes try to communicate with the kmt, after that he told me i already nang kwak statue in my house, pray to nang kwak is already enough, so i didnt chow it. But those kmt look powerful, if you are interest then act quick.
There are also some small bucha such as ganesa, 4 face buddha and etc, i even saw HPY statue but dont know if they are available to chow or not.
LP Sut ask me if i want to follow him to go back to his hometown in Insan, Thailand during this CNY, i really love to but i just dont have spare time, it would be great to see his temple in his hometown, i hope that day will come soon. That is it for this time, feel free to visit LP Sut, very good monk in high level of meditation kungfu to do fortune reading with the power to foreseen and communicate with the spirit, also try his floral bath, you gonna like it!
There are lot of people at Wat Kura today visiting LP Sut, at least 7 cars in a row i can see. They came for fortune reading and some doing floral bath. Seeing LP Sut so busy so i manage to came back later after Wat Sungai Siput. When im done with Archan Tia, i return to visit LP Sut, still 2 devotees there, they came from Jitra, Kedah asking for fortune reading. LP Sut looks so tired but he still help those devotees. After some chit-chat i asked LP Sut who is his master, he said there are 2 master, 1 is Archan something, i forgot the name, its hard to remember thai name, and the other 1 is LP Kong, so i google it and get the info of LP Kong here but im not sure weather this is the LP Kong that he refer to.
At the cia tiam ma (convenient store) near Wat Kura, i have some chat with the local thai auntie there, she told me that many people visit LP Sut everday, and he is a very capable monk. The auntie is also the key holder of the temple gate, she open and close the temple gate everyday, i mean last time, but now not anymore due to some reason. She also told me that LP Sut will go India this October, after i confirm it with LP Sut, he said he will travel India to attend some chanting ceremony, and asked me if i want to follow him, im not so interest actually to travel india, im more interest to visit his hometown at Isan, Thailand, but im happy to see LP Sut get on this trip to gain more experience, afterall India is the place where Buddhism started.
2 devotees from Jitra. That india speak fluently in thai, i mean, lol, india speak fluently in hokkien i have seen a lot but in thai is 1st, wonder where he learn it, as i know there are lot of siam in Jitra too, or many he travel frequently to Thailand. The chinese got problem with his work, LP Sut accurately pinpoint his problem and ask him to come another day to bath, cause today the holy water already finished "consumed" by those people who came early. In the photos you can see there is a guy there fill the containers with pipe water, at night LP Sut will chant and meditate there to create the holy water for next day's usage. Hm...LP Sut, a waterboy, lolz.
That chinese also manage to open a shop for his own business, he ask if he can request the palm and footprint of LP Sut on a piece of yellow cloth, he wanna hang in his shop, LP Sut said he is ok with the request, quite easy going.
今天带了新加坡的朋友去空怀泰佛寺,也顺便带他去 wat kura 找 lp sut。前天lp sut打电话来要叫我买 tissue 和扫把给他,讲了老半天我还是听不懂,因为他的福建话真的是极度有限公司,后来 ah lee 打来讲解才明白。
去到的时候就看见很多辆车,还看见一辆 mpv,就知道 pai kangtao liao,因为一辆 mvp 分分钟可以载一打人,看来我没有机会跟 lp sut 叙旧了
有人拿古曼童要给LP Sut 通灵,看看古曼童需要什么咯,开心吗,之类的
LP Sut 刚从家乡回来,也去了印度一趟。看他带回来很多佛牌跟善信结缘,价钱不会很贵。
这位嘛是 Ah Lee 咯,LP Sut 的助手,人很好,有什么事既拨0194328517。
两位 wat kura 的老和尚。一位布行去曼谷,一位大发善心导致武器失灵。各有千秋,令人敬佩。
临走前 LP Sut 交给我们一个信封,叫我们随缘捐助,信封里还有一枚佛牌,蛮不错。我放20下去,LP Sut 看见后就抽10块还给我,LP Sut 知道我没什么钱,真的是很为我着想啊~~~
Went to find LP Sut at Wat Kura with member after WSS. Just very less people at Wat Kura, another chinese guy was there speak fluently in Thai, was lucky enough to have that guy there, we talked alot with LP Sut. He said he been thinking of me in these few days, why hasnt yet i go to see him, and today he finally meet me, lolz, telepathy? He said the same everytime when i meet him, dont know real or not. Nice to have his portrait captured and share with everyone here. hopefully my photography skill aint that bad.

Note: Old forum thread from my forum at
Important Note: All photos and content are copyrighted, do not copy or publish this page in any media without author's explicit consent.
Thank for sharing
Do you have LP Sut's mobile number?
I wish to visit him for flower bath. Thanks! John
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