Note: Old forum thread from my forum at Photo taken using DC.
Today is first day of CNY, perhaps its the luckiest year i ever had, because today my friend and i go to visit Archan Nong at Wat Thai Pradit Tharam and i have got windfall luck to received the famous tiger skin kongkrapan tangkai and another small size copper tangkai from AC Nong, best of all, they are all FOC just donation based, hahahahaha, so let me just share the entire story with you guys here, hopefully to let more people know about this archan.
First let us take a glance at AC Nong's introduction from internet source, original URL: http://theamazingthailand.blogsp ... cm-from-arjarn.html
"A lot of people when to Arjarn Nong Temple to let him blessing for safety, get wealth, good in business and good luck (财源广进,出入平安,生意兴隆,补运). Although Arjarn Nong very young but he was very famous with his Kongkrapan Tangkai. Arjarn Nong was very patient to made every tangkai and blessing in very detail and long time before given to devotes. That why Kongkrapan Tangkai that made by Arjarn Nong is very famous for safety and protection from danger. Arjarn Nong personally handwrite the Kongrapan Yant inside the tangkai and outside as well. This tangkai have stick with the gold leaf too. This tangkai was chanted with Kongkrapan (Body Protection), Maha Utt (Arms Protection), Protect Animal and Insect, Protect from Evil Spirits and Illness charms."
Then, member of share their precious stories of AC Nong's takrut:
"AC Nong takrud is very well known for kongkrapan purposes among his followers. What some does not know is that,it also provides good metta to the wearers( try ask AC Nong he will agree with me)
A friends of mine,being single for 6 years. Wore this takrud and wish sincerely to meet the right person etc.... cut it short. he found and now the wife got pregnant already ( yesterday news !! ). Metta?
One "financial lender" from Kedah said...before he met AC, he was having hard times to collect back all the money but when he start to wear... people start to return back the money and now his business is really soon soon li li. This guy is based in Kulim. Authority?Business?
LKT friend ( owns a company that deals with SEA banks ) made a "pit stop" at Sg Besi toll in KL ( well known to locals to have many croocks who snatch things and rob). went to ATM to withdraw money and when he enter his Alphard Car , two malay came with Gun pointing towards him demanding him to go out of his car but he refused. One of them pull trigger and fail to shoot ...few tries still FAILED. when he point to sky and shoot,it just shoot without problem. point again at this alphard owner,failed to shoot again and they just flew away. i have heard alot of this kind of stories from other people before but this one is 100% real case as a friend of mine was just 100metres away when that incident happened and he told me the same thing .
There is this so called haunted house in Cheras which was bought by one man but he doesnt know and he doesnt believe. Since the day they moved in.. their 2 years old baby cry every night for few hours and his wife gets nightmare every night about someone wanting them to leave the house. This guy rented one AC Nong takrud from one amulet shop and put it inside his house. Nothing happened since then. but now,he has setup shrine for the spirits and always dedicate merits to them. business very soon soon li li."
After all those promising stories, it has somehow convinced and attracted my attention, so i have decided to pay a trip to visit AC Nong and what day is the better day than the first day of CNY to show my deepest sincerity, lolz.
Wat Thai Pradit Tharam aka Wat Gajah because those elephant statues made famous the temple in the earlier days by letting many people kena 4D, even malay also kena, lot of people kena 4D and newspaper also used to cover the story too (you still can see those cutting newspaper paste in the temple, in chinese of course), those who kena 4D came to donate money to build the temple, it was just a simple temple in the earlier days with a LP Thuad stone make this temple a little bit special, this temple is one of the "pit stop" before LP Thuad was transferred to Thailand and LP Thuad liquid ( blood/sweat/dead ppl water) dropped on this stone. Accordingly to AC Nong, 20 years ago when he came here, the stone is just a small size stone, now it has become bigger and bigger, unfortunately i didnt take the picture of that stone, cause my heart been thinking how to korek the tiger skin takrut from AC Nong all the times from the moment i step into this temple, ngeik ngeik cant blame me, even if you got money for it, you may dont have fate for it, thats worry me much, so you got to forgive me about that., hahaha. And btw, this CNY3 is the open ceremony day for the newly constructed LP Thuad temple that was built just beside that stone, those who are interest to attend the LP Thuad temple open ceremony must reach before 10AM, the event start at 10AM and finish at 12PM, those who come on that day will receive the LP Thuad amulet for free, i will show you the picture of LP Thuad amulet later. Below is the address of Wat Thai Pradit Tharam:
Wat Thai Pradit Tharam
Padang Sanai, Kuala Nerang,
Kedah, Malaysia.
Its very easy to get there, if you from Alor Setar, just head to Pokok Sena, all the way straight, of course the road wont be very straight lah, i mean just follow the road, the distance from Alor Setar to temple is about 54KM, you will see a police station at Padang Sanai, which is also listed at Google Map (Click Here) once you reach that police station at Padang Sanai, you are very close to the temple, just drive ahead until you see the white color temple roof on your right, the temple is on your right side, very easy to locate. Now sharing the picture of the temple, area is quite big.
This is the place where AC Nong meet devotee, double storey building, ground floor is sort of main hall with AC Nong's office, computer (yes computer, did you know that he is graduated student from University of Chiang Mai, lol) and his workshop at the back, upstair is small temple where he will meet devotees and perform ritual stuff.
The second level of the building, lot of tiger picture there, i dont know what it means, maybe because of his famous tiger skin takrut so people present them to AC Nong.
Picture of young AC Nong, he came here 20 years ago. The hometown of AC Nong is from Phetchabun, Thailand, im suprised when he told me that because Archan Tia is also from Phetchabun, after i hear that, suddenly i felt he is very powerful already, lolz. He said he is from Phetchabun but he study U in Chiang Mai, he said he major in drawing plan, i didnt ask what sort of plan, because he talk very fast and i dare not to interrupt him. He speaks well in hokkien, much better than Archan Tia, lolz, and his skin is quite fair, look like chinese. He said when he is about 20 somethins his mom pass away and he wanted to ordained as temporary monk for 2 weeks only but who knows in the blink of the eyes 20 years has passed and he is still a monk, maybe this is the fate. He said before he was a monk he used to have serious motorcycle accident, he got major injured but he said he survived, maybe devas tried to help him because he was destiny to become a monk later.
He said he doesnt like noisy, after the open ceremony of LP Thuad temple he will go back to thailand and practice meditation in the forest for a certain period, he said he seldom in here, most of the time he is in thailand do chanting in some temple. I ask if he got namecard so i can publish it on the web, he said just finished but i did got his number, but he said dont publish on the web because he doesnt like to be interrupted. He asked me that if people told me that he doesnt sleep in the night, im quite shock and ask him it is true that he doesnt need to sleep at all, he said most of the time he meditate, work on sacred item or chanting until 4am-5am, then baru go to sleep and wake up around 11am. I dont know why he like the night so much, maybe its quite and silence in the night.
This is the place where he meet devotees, not very big space with an empty amulet counter display nothing. The time when we reach we saw few peoples already there, from their car plate it tells that some of them from SG, some from PG and some from KL, just interesting to see ppl are actually taking the advantage of CNY holiday to pay visit their favor monk.
After a short wait, came to our turn, i present rice to him and he do blessing for us. First he use yellow candle to draw yant on forehead, then he paste gold foil, some chanting follow by spread holy water and lastly he pour out some white powder (those baby powder) and ask you to apply on your face. He is a serious monk in doing the ritual, i like to see how he act to pay homage to the devas statues:
Some candy to eat peng ann:
After blessing, i try to get some chit-chat with him, and try to see if i got luck to get his tiger skin takrut too, ngeik ngeik ngeik. He told me now days he seldom made tiger skin takrut anymore because tiger skin is very hard to get, and good tiger skin is even harder, he said he dont like to do tiger skin takrut with just normal tiger skin, the tiger must be big enough and he prefer what he called the "fire tiger", never heard of it before but i think it must be really rare, he said he import the tiger skin from myanmar and india with a trusted person that deal with him for 10 years already, he knows the criteria of tiger skin that AC Nong want. He said there are few times people took the malaysia tiger or china tiger to him but he doesnt like it because he said they are not power enough, lol, and he said there are even fake tiger skin from china, look like he is quite choosy and serious on his takrut. You can see from below the picture that i took from the photo, they are very huge tiger skin:
A bit disappointed actually when he told me the tiger skin takrut was running out of stock, but i been thinking myself, even they are available will i really want to get it, i mean its not cheap, RM500 for big one as i read from neon's post, i love to collect takrut more than amulet, i have got many different type of takrut in my home and so wondering if i would pay RM500 to get his takrut, so i decided to see how it goes first. After a while of chit-chat (surprisingly he is quite friendly too, maybe he is in good mood), i try to ask again about takrut, you see, thats the trick, if you dont get what you want at first attempt, try again after some chit-chat, you might get something when he know you well and think that you are a good person, lol. This time i ask if he got smaller takrut as what postered in his wall:
He said "oh, maybe there is still 1 more, let me find out", oh thats the sweetest word that i want to hear, hahahaha, and he start to turn around and korek around, what a beautiful action to see, its like he is korek some treasure for you, lolz. After few minutes of anxious waiting, he said he cant find the small takrut, but he did find out a medium size of the takrut, i asked how much it is to rent, he said just take it, im giving you for free, OMG, i almost shead tear on the spot, hahahahaha, too happy and so exiciting, he said this is the earlier batch but it doesnt look very nice because the tiger skin is not big enough to fully rollup the copper takrut inside, so you sill can see inside the copper takrut from a very small space where tiger skin didnt join up, but i dont care at all, to me its like treasure already, so precious, loved it so much!!! Good news is not just end like that, after that he ask me to follow him to his office, he wanted to show me how me work on those takrut, from there i saw numerous of tiger skin takrut with gold foil, he said those people already ordered for it, he said people came to order his tiger skin takrut and they have waited for very long already, he just can made few only because he only got limited tiger skin. While in his office, from that basket he took out the small copper takrut and give to my friend, he is very generous, i saw there are still some copper takrut so i ask if i can rent one of it too, he said just take it, im giving you for free, i mean, hahahahahahahaha, good things strike double, now i started to believe it.
This is the basket with some tiger skin takrut on it:
He told me this is where he work out those takrut, he got all the tools by himself, copper, pipe to hold the takrut, machine to draw yant on the stainless case, etc.
This special made is lersi head, he use it to draw yant on the copper, i asked his permission to take the photo of it, he agreed.
He is blessing the copper takrut in front of computer for my friend.
After that we went upstair again, he took one of the gold foiled tiger skin takrut and start to tell the story, actually most of it like what the bro neon already posted, and he did tell some other story too but i just forgotten already, but i still remember the rules that must be followed if wearing his takrut:
- Cannot wear it and make love with woman, be it your own wife or just about any woman.
- Cannot go under the wire where people hang their cloths.
- Cannot go inside the room of pregnant woman, not because the power of takrut will run away, but the power of Kongkrapan will stop everything, this will make the woman very hard to give birth baby.
- Cannot wear his takrut and drink until drunk, to be more precisely, cannot drunk and find trouble with people, no problem if drunk but remain calm and didnt raise any trouble.
- Cannot wear it under waist.
I asked what if we accidently broke the rules, how to recover the power, he said just keep wearing it and as the time goes the power of takrut will re-charge by itself. I then asked if the power of takrut will fade as the time goes and does it need to get re-blessing from it master, he said dont need, the power of takrut wont fade by time, just try to follow the rules and you are fine.
During that time there are few indians also came to ask blessing from AC Nong, before they left one of them show the amulet that he currently wear and look like he want to get another one again, AC Nong then turn around and korek again, he then took a plastic beg of amulet, give one to that india devotee and give one to me and my friend, i didnt hear clearly, he said something about LP Derm or LP Perm im not sure. Many thanks to AC Nong, this is what i got from AC Nong today:
Remember what i said earlier, all of them are giving free by AC Nong, just donation based! Many many thanks to AC Nong.
Those 2 elephants on each side of the main gate (i didnt take a close shot of it). He said that when he first came here, people donate some money and so he wanted to build something, at 3AM in the morning he walked around in the area of temple thinking what to build, then suddenly the ideals of elephant flash out from his mind, he said, then in the morning he called his friend and ask what kind of elephant in the best of its kind, his friend said the "Elephant King" is the best. With the help of his friend, they build the elephant by themselve, working day and night in shift. One day when the elephants is 90% completed, malays from nearby kampong drop by, a small little girl told her grandfather that she want to see elephant, so her grandfather brought her there to see those stone elephant, after that small gal saw the elephant, she told her grandfather that the elephant is actually alive, not just stone, her grandfather then pray to elephants and told elephants if he hit 4D he will come back to donate some money to temple. After few days he really strike 4D, won lot of money, like RM200k if not mistaken, so he returned and donate some to build the temple. Simply amazing!
Now lets talk back LP Thuad, as mentioned earlier, this CNY3, which is Saturday (05/02/2011) 10am is the open ceremony of the LP Thuad kuti, he said he already spent RM100k to build that temple, now i know why his takrut sell at those high price, one of the reason is because its famous and the other reason is because not many was created and so each must be at price to raise enough funds for the temple. During the open ceremony AC Nong will give away LP Thuad amulet FOR FREE, below is the picture of the amulet:
The amulet was consecrated by many monks in Thailand including himself for many days, i dont know if he is good at LP Thuad amulet, but it looks special and further more this is the place where LP Thuad body was temporary held before been transferred back to Thailand and with that everyday growing stone, im sure something special is there with the amulet. Dont miss the chance, attend the ceremony if you are free. I asked if he still need money for that LP Thuad temple, i can help to urge fund, he laugh and said its already finished, yea how silly im, if not finish yet where to open ceremony, lolz. So i guess he will stop creating tiger skin takrut anymore, just finish what people already ordered and then he will take some times to rest. I ask when is the next release of tiger skin takrut, he said its hard to get a good tiger skin nowdays, and even if you can get one, the price is very high, he said he already paid RM7k to order the tiger skin but its not avail yet. He said right now he wish to return to Thailand and enter forest to practice meditation for some times.
I have had good times with AC Nong, he told me many good stories but i cant remember some although he can speak well in hokkien but it just doesnt sounds clearly and he talk very fast too. He is a very nice and generous monk, pay him a visit when you still got the chance and see if you can meet him or not, this CNY3 open ceremony of LP Thuad kuti is the best day not only to meet him but to take part in that great event.
Btw i forgot to include the photo where Archan Nong perform car blessing. Here you can see how he do car blessing, beautiful yant was draw on hood.
Some monk huts, there are currently 5 monks from Thailand follow AC Nong and stay there, but some of them in/out Malaysia frequently, they didnt stay long.
A very interesting potti tree surrounded by yellow cloth. You can see lot of 4D written by people on the body of tree, i mean, do we need to be that desperated? This kind of act only spoil the tree, if we love it, pray it, ask it to bless us but not make any harm on it.
An old temple in the area. I dont know if its ubosot cause i can see few old baishema stone surrounding it.
Another small temple, i cant regonise who is the monk in that picture was, i believe he is the founder of this temple. A lersi guard the door, look cute.
A small lersi temple, very nice, look powerful!
Nice Kuan Yin fountain at the back unfortunately the machine no longer running.
Here are 2 famous elephant, touch it and win 4D! When AC Nong came here 10 years ago he dream of a portan (monk) ride elephant to this temple, then he built those elephant with the help of his friend from Thailand. He buried lot of amulet in the head of elephant, lot of people kena 4D after touched the elephant. If you are interest with the history of this 2 elephant, read the following newspaper that i snap from the temple (very huge photo, click to enlarge it so you can read better)
According to siam boy, this KMT was brought in from Thailand. In the beginning AC Nong didnt display it out just kept in one of the room. One day a regular devotees came and took a nap in another room, he hear the sounds of children laughing and when he wake up he asked AC Nong if any children in the temple, AC Nong said yes and that children is the KMT. After he went back at night he dream something and the rest i think you already know, kena 4D! Not only him, i believe this KMT already blessed lot of people, if not his table wont loaded with all stuffs. Siam boy keep telling how devotee interacts with KMT, but like other KMT stories which i think you already knew, pray and promise to return with goodies, story like that. Something very intriguing was, when that siam boy telling the story to me suddenly i heard a children laughing load 2 times, something sounds like "her her", i dont know if the sound from KMT or it came from TV cause that time the TV was on.
JTK, but not available for rent cause already fully booked by policeman from Thailand. Created by AC Nong and these amazing JTK already blessed many people from serious harm, look at the photo below how car in accident smash into a piece of besi buruk but the driver survived. (Very large photo click to read better)
Interview with AC Nong
When i met AC Nong today i asked again if his JTK is available to rent, well maybe dying korek out at least 1 piece but he said really sorry cause already fully ordered by Thai police and they got record the quantity. luck today but its ok i know fate cant be forced. AC Nong that time he just gave one of the JTK as free to one guy who came visit him, that guy was in downhill, life was bad, no jobs and all those bad things keep happened on him. After few days that guy got accident as what reported by newspaper above, with the help of JTK, that guy didnt die, he is very grateful to AC Nong even today. According to AC Nong, the life of that guy getting better and better now, got stable jobs, happy and healthy. Moral of the story is, money cant buy good amulet, but fate will.
The reason why i visit AC Nong today was because i want to rent his big tiger skin takrut cause during CNY1 i saw there is still one but he told already taken by people who ordered it. Too bad, no luck, i have his middle size tiger skin takrut but i love to have this big size takrut too. The price is RM500 well maybe its quite expensive but personally i think it worth every penny if you read from the earlier post and from what i observed after 1 month of wearing his middle size tiger skin takrut i felt very great, i loved it so much. So today i went there with RM500 with a little hope for that big tiger skin takrut still available but it is not anymore
He said he ordained as monk when he 29 years old, he spent lot of time in some forest in Isan, sometimes travel with his monk friends to everywhere in Thailand, they didnt have any money just tumpang people car. One day he came to southern Thailand and met one malaysian guy in the forest and that guy invited AC Nong to this temple to organize a Songkra festival, AC Nong agreed then came and stay until today. He was grad student of University and a successful developer before his mom pass away, after his mom died he became monk for 1 month, but until today he already 22 years in his monkhood.
When i met him today he is in the middle of drawing a HUGE yant, i never saw that size of yant before, very long and very huge, i got snap the photo of it but he said dont publish on the web, cause this time he only made 16 pcs only and fully ordered. Those penyant was ordered by some famous fellows, but i cant revert more. He gave me 2 LP Thuad amulet, made 3000 only that distributed free to devotees during CNY3 on the open ceremony of LP Thuad kutti, im not a fans on looplor type of amulet, but i like this LP Thuad looplor, gonna wear it daily with his tiger skin takrut. He said he give me free but i insist to donate a small amount of RM100 as the sign of appreciation, dont know why i just like his stuff.
Our conversation goes very well but i dont want to occupy too many of his time, im very grateful because he willing to spend that much of time to a small leg person like me, once again his impression to me is a big plus for today. There are still 2 unknown left for today's interview:
- Dont know when the next release of big tiger skin takrut, he said he already paid RM17k to a guy but he still cant find the suitable skin.
- Dont know what kind of amulet that he will release next
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