Note: Old forum thread from my forum at
Today visited another temple near my hometown here
I visited this temple few years ago, rent a gold takrut that
co-consecrated by LP Koon that i constantly wear until now. But today
the abbot already changed, he is not the one that i saw few years ago,
but before i intro more about this abbot, lets see more info on how to
get there.
Photo from internet
The temple is located at Gunung Keriang, one of few tourism spots in Alor Setar, Kedah here, in chinese the place is known as 象屿山 or 水晶山 for those who are crystals lover, because people discovered crystals (just some low grade crystal) in this mountain. There are few commercial shops there also selling crystal imported from China, Latin American and etc. Gunung Keriang is one of the recreation park, people go there mountain hiking and etc. The place was famous 20 years ago because people discover many devas statues appear on the wall of caves, lot of devotees came from all over the nation to here and pray, for luck and for 4D. There is also a chinese temple 大伯公 also used to be famous, lot of people kena 4D but recently 大伯公 no longer want to descend to bless people on 4D, it was replaced by another chinese deva called 三太子 to help devotees, i know the tangki (medium), used to invited him to work on the altar of my house and office. Well this is chinese temple story, now lets back to siam temple story
Wat Khalatilimit (Wat Gunung Keriang)
Mk. Gunung, 06250, Alor Setar, Kedah
Didnt bring along my camera, so i took these photos with my hp, new hp actually, Nokia C6 but as you can see photo quality disappointed, maybe temple kaki like me need to get a iPhone, lol but then again iPhone reception is not good in rural area, most of the temples located in rural areas

The temple is small and old, situated beside a mountain. Last time when i came here the abbot is some young english speaking monk, only him alone, but today there are few more chinese in the temple, and also a typical siamese people inside there, you know, wear white cloth and hang many amulets on the neck that kind of people, look like Archan or something.

Not many statues there, outside of the temple only Lersi and Datok Kong, setup inside chinese style of altar, this temple is kinda chinese mix siam to me, unique.

There are few chinese already there when i get there, a group at amulet counter and another group talk with the abbot and then spread holy water.

When everybody went back, its my time to interview with the abbot. The current abbot name LP Sangkachai, yeah i know you will think the same like me, LP Sangkachai? lol no ideals why he called himself as Sangkachai but he really looks like the Sangkachai buddha, hahahaha, i didnt ask why he call himself like that but he is very nice and friendly, lot of smilling on his face, really look like a living version of Sangkachai . He is from Lampam, Thailand, just got here 4 months only, previously in some temple in KL. He can speak quite good in english.

He can do fortune reading and its only donation base. His fortune reading required inputs like your name, DOB, chinese zodiac, 3 animals that you like and 1 animal that you dislike. His fortune reading is completely by book, first he will draw a chart on a piece of paper using your input and then he will tell your pass, present and future. To me, his reading on my pass and present is very accurate, but i dont know for the future yet cause it does not happened yet. He use english to communicate during the fortune reading session, and if you want to enhance your luck, floral bath services is provided, must bring the following items:
- 7 colors of flower
- 3 lime
He told me that he is in the planning to build a huge chinese Sangkachai statue, the cost is RM5000 and sample of statue as follow:

He said anyone that interest to donate can come to this temple to hand over your money to him, in any amount also are welcome. He got phone but he not so willing to publish on the internet because he dont like to get disturb, so if you are interest you can pm or email me i'll guide you how to get there.
I asked him if he got created any amulet he said currently not yet but in future he will create a batch of Sangkachai amulet. He also showed me the photos of caves behind the temple, he said inside the cave you can see LP Thuad statue and a female look of portrait appear on the wall of cave, the following photos was captured from photos, can you see anything related to LP Thuad and female portrait? Honestly i can see only female portrait but not any LP Thuad. I asked if there is any spirit or devas inside those wall picture, he said yes.

Snake head


There is amulet counter there, lot of LP Kalong amulets there.

Some photos taken inside and outside of the temple:

That is it, visit this temple when you visit Gunung Keriang, a small, simple, unique temple with many yet to be discovered from this newly appointed friendly, Sangkachai look of LP Sangkachai.
Note: Old forum thread from my forum at
Important Note: All photos and content are copyrighted, do not copy or publish this page in any media without author's explicit consent.
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