这是几年前的故事了。要介绍的是我最近拜的师父 “火眼鲁士公”。鲁士基本上有分为3种,火眼鲁士以及象头鲁士,而火眼鲁士位居最高。其实跟这位师父结拜真的是只有一个字而已,就是 “缘”。这位师父33岁,长年居住在泰国的森林里修行的,他的盘点是在 “Phattalung” 上去一点的深山里,而他经常在柬埔寨的森林里修行。那,我是怎么认识他的呢?如果有看我的贴就知道最近我时常去 Perlis 的一间庙,Wat Kampong Guar Nangka (Perlis) ,在那边我认识了一位泰籍安娣,那位安娣是住在 Tunjang 的,她的姐姐在多年前被多人下降,快没命了,很多和尚都解不了,后来是 Wat Kampong Guar Nangka 的老和尚救了她姐姐一命的,因此她们到现在都很感恩,经常去探望那位老和尚,而我就是在那边认识到她们的。现在回到我如何认识这位鲁士公,话说有一天我也在那庙里,在等着老和尚替人家办事的时候,就和那位泰籍安娣聊了起来,不知怎样的,我们都聊得很投机,她告诉了我很多故事,也教了我很多东西,她把我当成她的孩子一样,虽然她本身已经有4个孩子了。她的姐姐打趣说,不如你收他为干儿子好了,呵呵,临走前我们还互相交换了电话。
不要小看这位年纪轻轻的鲁士公,他10岁就开始修行了,常年住在深山里,到目前为此每天只吃3汤匙的饭而已!哇,这很惊人,怪不得他这样瘦。不知道他叫什么名字,他们都叫他为鲁士公,泰籍安娣说鲁士公的地位非常的高,向他求东西很快就会实现。泰籍安娣说你不用说什么,到了他面前他就知道你要求什么了,果然,我一跪下来,他就说中了我的心事!他替人家灌顶是没有用任何鲁士帽的,或许他本身就是代表鲁士了。灌顶时,他用手握着我的头,顿时我就感觉一股热流从他的手里发了出来,灌进我的头里,那感觉非常非常的舒服!然后在我的手邦上5色绳,还在我的腰部也绑上了一条。整个拜师仪式结束了,意思就是说我拜了一位上天老师 (鲁士公) 。他还教了我一些咒语以及如何拜拜。泰籍安娣说有时晚上他还会起叽办事,就是说鲁士公会付他身,而且还会表演玩火,就是把一捆的蜡烛点燃后往眼睛里插,可惜是在晚上,我没有机会看到。
那张大符是他亲手画了送给庙方的,因为借住了庙的地方,赠送一些东西表示感激。他从中午2点就开始画到半夜才结束。现在他们已经回去了,理事们说他们这样的人是不习惯住在城市的,深山里才是他们的家。我第二次见他是在上个星期,这次没有灌顶了,只是加持而已,他送了我一尊红色的 LP Thuad,理事们说这是他自己做的,非常有 power,我下次拍照分享。
他的理事 (其实因该说是徒弟,本地人,之前患重病去跟他住在一起9年)说,平常要见到他很难的,只有亲密徒弟才知道他的影踪。第一次跟鲁士有如此近距离的接触,而且他又是一位长年居住在深山的隐士,所以觉得实在是难得可贵的经验。
This young lersi only speak in Thai, i cant speak in Thai and i dont think i need his TST, got too many TST already. He gave me a red LP Thuad, made by nice material with few piece of gold stone/crystal on it, quite nice. About why lersi wear tiger cloth, the above link to lersi article tell the reason.魯士系列──魯士‘咑肺’
Unlike monk, lersi can eat many times a day, but he just eat 3 spoon of rice everyday. I saw there are many silver short takrut in a bowl of water bat, didnt ask for it and dont know if he want to perform any magic using it.
This Lersi has fire eyes, i met many monk / archan / sifu / bomoh before, usually this kind of person has strong samathi power, dont get it wrong, those with calm eyes doesnt mean dont have samathi power, look at buddha eyes, his eyes so calm and peaceful, this kind of fire eyes meaning they learned something special, something very strong, good to keep the bad spirit away and change bad luck to good, they got skills in enhancing people luck, or fight with kongtao, or help those in exorcism. If you followed all the post in this forum you should read 1 post where i mentioned about last time in Thailand when archan tia still young one day after practicing meditation he sat under a tree and stare at fallen leaf, suddenly those leaf get burned! Archan Tia said he was in samathi and because that time still dont know how to handle it well, so cant get it controlled. This Lersi has the same fire eyes like Archan Tia did, when i look at his eyes i feel like looking at the eyes of Archan Tia too, lolz. I like this Lersi, so powerful, so unique.
I was amazed when he speak out things that in my heart right after the moment i sit down, ass not yet touch the ground yet! LP Sut from Wat Kura still need your name and age and meditate a while to read you, but he totally dont need any input at all, lolz. About the round shape LP Thuad that he gave me when i met him second time, i didnt take a photo of it yet, sometimes you cant imagine how lazy im, lolz, will share it next time when i really free, now im trying to share some story because of your demand! Im writing and recalling in fly now...
I dont really have many story to share with this Lersi because i just met him twice only and he speak only in Thai, and his malaysian followers doesnt speak much and busy so cant get things translate, and by the way i was there because the siam aunty brought me to there and she thinks i need some help, so i cant act like an expert, must show like a new guy so i can hear more teaching and tips from them
I got some general things to share, i learned it from the siam aunty, they said when we visited any temple or after blessed by any archan, we must give angpow to them, not because they are greedy want money but the angpow actually serve as the sign of appreciation, in plain word we say "then only we can get over it", for example, if we do floral bath at temple, we must give angpow to archan / monk / sifu, then only our bad luck can moved away. You see, i have always confused about this, im not the kind of guy who like to put money into angpow and present it to archan or monk, doesnt mean im stingy, i just dont enjoy the process, take out the money, put in angpow and present it, i think its troublesome, id rather insert the money to those donation box, minimum RM10, maximum RM50 to RM100 depending on the situation, and sometimes i didnt put any money into donation box or angpow but i did present many pricy stuff to them in advance, because i think they dont need my money, they would appreciate my stuff that i gave to them more than money, beside of this, i think they are monk, they dont really care for money, take for example the old archan in wat nangka, he just own a samnak, its not costly to maintain a double storey building, and inside his samnak can see money simply put here and there, he is not the monk who know how to manage or care for money, he said if you dont have money dont give me, "aku tak mau tanggung banyak banyak!", see, tanggung means bare, when they do things for us, meaning they are bare for our bad luck, and we present money or angpow to them is to get over our bad luck, they are baring our bad luck. Archan tia used to said if a person in really bad luck and broken already do we still have heart to take their money, just wish when they are release from bad situation and would return to donate some, you see monk help people without care for money, this is a very pure motive, to help people in pain. But this is not the right way! They (those siam people) told me that, money and angpow (preferably) is still a very important "tool" if we want to get over our bad luck or when we wish for something, then only it can realize soon. If you dont have money, put RM1 or RM2 also can, i dont know how it works between devas and layman like us, any particularly "contract" or "Standard of Procedure" but as i observed money is like a medium, it means something, see during WSS Wai Kru, we put RM1 note on the plate together with pinang and other stuff, in other temple when we want to rent for amulet or takrut we might have to offer pinang leaf and cigarette too, and money is still needed, maybe just 50 cent or in any amount, so how can we tell this, those devas really need our money to spend on something? Its actually more like a ritual, a universal rules? lolz. So remember this, next time if you go to temple did any ritual there or wish for anything, remember to present the angpow, in any amount, doesnt matter, so you can get the goodies come asap This is what i want to share from what i heard, i think its kind of make sense too, dont get me wrong im not those money eyes people, but just doing the sharing here hope it helps.
I actually have more to share related to old archan at wat nangka, he is a very interesting old monk, i think he is the only malaysian monk that i respected so much. I'll do more sharing there, if time allowed.
I hope i can share more info of this Lersi Tai Fei but i just met him twice, dont have more info. His local devotee, the one who stayed 9 years with him before, got the video recorded when the tangki of that chinese temple visited him in his place in Thailand, but nothing much can see from the video, it just show the chinese tangki got trance of Lersi Tai Fei and doing all those things such as chop people with parang sword, helping people and etc, while this young Lersi just sit there watching, didnt have much action.
When he come to Malaysia, brought in by his Malaysia devotee, he will stay in a chinese temple, the owner of that chinese temple, a 70 years old tangki who get trance 法主公, also is the devotee of this young Lersi. I asked them if its ok if i address him as Archan, they said you should call him Lersi Tai Fei, his rank is very high, he is like the medium of Lersi Tai Fei. They said in heaven, Lersi Tai Fei is second after 天公,the executive of 天公. helping 天公 to do thing. This young Lersi not only the medium of Lersi Tai Fei, he also try to be one by himself, which mean he 修火眼鲁士的法,so by right we should also respect him as we respect to Po Lersi Tai Fei (火眼鲁士公) so we should call him Lersi Tai Fei.
He gave me a waist robe and a wrist robe, ask its devotee to wear it daily and also do chanting. But to become his devotee need fit amount of Angpow, as told by his follower, hm...at first i just didnt feel right with the requirement, i mean fit amount of angpow? But later came to understand that its just a way of ritual, somekind of offering, and they also really need money to buy land for new temple, and since the amount of angpow is not big, so just ok with it. Now im wearing his waist and wrist robe daily, practicing the chant that he gave, also wearing the amulet that he gave below:

首先大家必须进入日得拉 (Jitra) 的市区,日得拉是个小镇,一旦进入就会看见 Maybank, Chin Hin Motor, Nasi Kandar Nasmir 等,就这么一条大路在日得拉,直直走,在最后一个红绿灯处转左(未到在警察局还是邮政局的红绿灯处转)进入 Tunjang 的路。要确地是不是Tunjang 的路很简单,看路牌,会写去 Padang Serai 或 Arau,因为 Tunjang 的路很长,可以直去 Padang Serai (Wat Boonyaram 的暹庙) 以及玻璃市的 Arau。在 Tunjang 的路前端你会看见 Petronas 油站在你的左边就对了,直直去,这条直路很多红绿灯,问题就在这里,我忘了要过几个红绿才必须转右,但我可以告诉你说,你会看到右边有一件蓝色的家私店,很大,如果看到了就在红绿灯处转右,直直去就会看见一间华人的寺庙,前面立着3只国旗的,就是那间华人庙了,Lersi Tai Fei 有来时就会在这间庙,目前里面还有他的圣物如虎皮铜符,腰带铜符等。
记得,那是一条直路,再去一点就会看见坟墓在你右边,如果你看到坟墓以及伯公庙,就表示你走过头了,要注意看右边有一件蓝色的家私店,很大,如果看到了就在红绿灯处转右,在直去就是了。可以问当地人 “法师公的庙” 在那里。
庙的住持人是一位70多岁的人,他有电话,但我没拿。要请 Lersi Tai Fei 的圣物可以跟他说,他会联系 Lersi Tai Fei 的助理,是一位50多岁的大叔,人称 “暹叔”。我不知道 Lersi Tai Fei 的圣物多少钱,但确定的是所有的钱都会给他买地建庙。Lersi Tai Fei 是一位非常厉害的师父,他的东西当然很够力一下!
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