Note: Old forum thread from my forum at Photo taken using DC.
Today i visited a Wat in Perlis and bring out very interesting story, it has related with the LP Orcid (黑舌圣僧) and an Archan from Cambodia, which means it will be a story of 2 archan. The story is too long and many to share, let me sort it out and share it here by tomorrow, if you are interest please check back later...
Perlis, one of the state in Malaysia that used to ruled by Siam long time ago, perhaps it is the most worth for exploring in the area of theravada buddhism and siam wicha magic that inherited by ancient siam, since this state is actually still remain undiscovered by many temple kaki. Though its just a very small state, but bordered with Satun and Songkhla of Thailand, you can actually expect lot of precious stuff was brought in when it was under the influence of Siam, this of course what to be concerned by us would be theravada buddhism and wicha magic.
Since i have ran through most of the temples in Kedah here (well maybe not all but at least 80% of it), its time for me to travel up north. I believe there are many Wat in Perlis here, not yet to be known by many people, so it has became my duty and responsible (lol?) to bring them to the surface, hopefully my intro will bring more public concerns to the temple in Perlis here, and also serve as the guideline for those who are needy.
Visiting Wat Kampong Guar Nangka in Perlis marked a new milestone of my temple travel list. It so happened that i was in my office on Friday and launched my Garmin from my newly purchased HP, lol, i keyin the word "Wat" and find the nearest temple that i havent visited yet in the past, Wat Kampong Guar Nangka popup in the list with 39KM from my current location (my office to Perlis is actually very near, just 40 mins of driving in a straight way), so i thought to give it a try on my lunch hours. I reached there around 12:30PM, its easy to follow the instruction of your GPS to get you to wherever you want to go, since i got this new toy, it has made my temple travel trip even more convenient and save me lot of time, thanks to this advanced technology (oh damn, am i sounds like an old man now? lol) i have also even shorted the route from my house to WSS by using the shortcut as guided by my lovely garmin. Hm...i think its better i stop to sounds so promoting on GPS device anymore, lol, lets cut the shit short and back to the topic. So eh...i dont have the exact address of this temple if you wonder, but if you ask around where is Kampong Guar Nangka i think you should get the place without problem, you can see the signboard on roadside, not so deep inside but you have to get through a rubber estate with small road that fit only 1 car, GPS location as shown below:
This temple actually has 2 abbot, or should i say in this way, there are 2 abbot residing in this temple but they are not link to each other, 1 older abbot aged 50 is Malaysian Siam and another young abbot aged 37 is from Cambodia. Temple is surrounding by rubber estate, area not very big and most of the temple area and infrastructure are actually belong to the abbot of Cambodia, that older Malaysian Archan just occupied a building (his samnak) at the entrance of the temple and the rest of the build such as small temple, ubosot, kitchen and etc are under that Cambodia abbot.
To make it easier for me and easy for you to distinguish out which Archan that im talking about, im gonna use short form to address both Archan, for Malaysia Archan i just call him as Archan (since i dont know what his actual name) and for that Combodia Archan im gonna call him Archan Koy. First i will tell the story of this old Archan, but before that let me clarify something that, though they are not link to each other BUT it has nothing wrong to do with it, they both are GOOD ABBOT, excellence in their own discipline just that they are from different background and pursuing different kind of learning, its been long time they shared the same temple, its just like you have a Malay neighbor, you do your life he do his, both not interfere to each other, in Chinese saying "well water does not intrude into river water".
Archan live in a small double storey building just at the entrance of the temple, i did not take the photo of him because he seriously warned me not to take this photo while he is not in full kasaya, it is prohibited for monk to appear in video or photo with just casual kasaya, he said tok guru (his master, statue above) is a very very very strict master and will not be happy if he doesnt follow exactly the rules. Archan extremely low in profile, he said to me that if i want to post his story on the internet i have to ask the permission from this master, which i did already of course, if not i also not dare to share it here. When i was there a auntie with his children are waiting for Archan to have lunch, she said during 90s lot of people came to visit this Archan, because he is good at healing bad disease and buang sai AT ABSOLUTELY NO COST AT ALL, TV documentary such majalah TV3 and newspaper also used to came here to cover the story. When Archan finished his lunch he told me that he doesnt want to be famous, he said he only wish to help people that desperately need for help and money is not the concern at all (i guess he is telling the truth cause he only got that building as samnak and not planing to build anything else in the future, he doesnt need any money). He warned me that if i want to post his story, must ask the permission from his master, i can feel the density of the tension when he said so to me, so i told him that the purpose i share his story is to give hope for those who are desperately need for help, im not from any magazine company and my internet is open and free for anyone to access it, after listen to my explanation, he seems ok a bit but still ask me to go seek the permission of his master, and i did that in the most sincerity way infront of the statue of his master.
He is from local and his master also form the local, i forgot his master name, but he used to be the Chao Kun of the temple nearby (i will show you the location later) from some few hundred years ago. He said his master was, and still is, spiritually, a very serious master. He speak in Malay but he speak very fast with local accent which i cant understand fully. One thing that i understand from him that, he learned all the stuff from this master in the spiritually way, which mean he can communicate with his master anytime he wants and occasionally his master appear in this dream to pass down wicha magic such as buang sai and etc, since the gap between his age and his master time is few hundred years.
Another interesting thing is, this Archan has related to Portan Orcid too, he said when he met Portan Orcid when he was 12 years old something like that. After he ordained as monk at the age of 21 till now, after Portan Orcid passed away, he always appear in his dream to teach him how to cure people with traditional herbs, he show us a book with full of katha that according to him, it was pass down by Portan Orcid to him. So coincidently i witness how he try to help a young man using the traditional herbs and a big old wood as tool to push on the body of that young guy. According to that guy, he kena kongtao and his body is very painful, he look so thin and so sick, he was recommend by his sister to find this Archa, his sister beg Archan to help his brother, oh btw i forgot to mention that, if you want Archan to help you on anything, be it fortune reading, neutralize kongtao or heal disease, you must ask politely and in the most sincere way, i mean, beg him if necessary, because he doesnt do this for money and he do all this just want to help people, some because of his own will, some of course instructed by his tok guru (his master). He is not the monk that i often seen, even i thought Archan Tia was hardcore enough, he is more tough, and remember this, since he doesnt ask anything for return, so he can just give you a cold shoulder if he think that you are not worth to save, a bit weird actually, but i can see that he has a very good heart, he look serious and sometime talk very fast and loud in Malay, but sometimes he also like to joke around (only if you are smart enough to catch its meaning), lot of smiling on his face too when he talk to you but you can always feel that he is strict and serious. Dont expect he act like normal people like us, afterall he is a forest monk background, he "deserve" to have that kind of characteristic, but he possessed all the good value of what a monk should have, only he carry out in his own special style, so it is acceptable on a monk like him.
His samnak is very small on the second level of the building, while i was there with that auntie and her children, he spent lot of time talking to us, he like to talk with people (quite educative too). He said those who really got fate only can reach him, the place was protected by his master, he said i was here today because "something" has guided me to there (with i cant reveal more). He is a very special monk, I'll post more of his story in the next post, including the way how he do the fortune reading using 9 piece of pinang leaf, very special and outstandingly accurate, and i will show you the legendary water well that has few hundred years of story already. Before i end this section, i would like to mention once again that, find this Archan only when you are really need for help, and pay absolute respect to him and his master, because they are worth to be respected.
Alright lets continue the story, so eh...where were we, oh the fortune reading... While Archan use his lunch (prepared by his mother, his mother still around and very healthy, if you got chance to meet his mother, look at the amulet that she is wearing, a genuine piece that cost at least a price of semi-d) i got some chit-chat with his mother, but nothing much to share.
Chat session with the auntie devotee
An auntie from Alor Setar, look friendly, came with her cute 3 daughters and her mom. She told me that this Archan help people without accept any penny from the devotee, donate at your own will. She been the regular visitor to this Archan for 2 years already, came here today for the regular bath ritual. She said 2 years ago she got so sick cant even work, with 3 daughters that still need to take care of, the situation is very bad. But after the continuously curing by Archan she got better and better and now when i look at her, she is just like normal healthy people and her face is shining, telling that she is in good energy. She said to me that, you must have faith with Archan and trust him, then only its workable. She said if you want to do the well water bath, come on Tuesday and Saturday because this 2 day is very "tough day", best day to remove persistent ill or those stubborn negative energy / kongtao. She said you must have patient with Archan, cause he is always slow motion, he wont care if you are rush of time or not. She told me many things, very friendly and lovely auntie, after she knew that im going to cover this story on the internet she laugh and said dont post her photo on the internet because she doesnt want to "surprise" people that she know, lol. After i get the conversation between me and her sorted out, this is the complete set of ritual that a devotee must go through in order to receive the help from this Archan.
- Fortune reading using 9 piece of pinang leaf
- Buang sai ritual using 3 keris knife (this is what i saw but not told by auntie).
- Well water bath follow by holy water bath
- Take the holy water back home and use it on daily basis
- Regularly revisit for the 3) & 4)
She asked if i bring any pinang leaf or not, i told that i came here at random casual so havent get anything prepared, she said if you want to have fortune reading by Archan, you must bring the following, if not Archan will not do the fortune reading for you.
- 9 piece of pinang leaf, its seed and its white powder.
- 9 while or yellow candles
- 3 color flowers
Once he got your fortune read out, then only he know what has gone wrong with you, after that he'll see if there is any necessary to use that 3 keris knife to remove the bad luck (only for those who are in serious case) from you. Sometimes the fortune reading, buang sai ritual and well water bath was done in separate day, you cant expect to have everything done in single day, patient and sincerity is the key.
After Archan finished his lunch, auntie and her family head to the location of that well to wait for Archan. Archan is a slow motion person, after he got all stuff prepared then only he start to walk to that well. I accompany him and walk side by side with him. The well is located not far from the temple location, it is situated at the edge of the rubber estate, infront of it is paddy field. While we walking, Archan told me that the location of well used to be temple back in few hundred years ago, it is also the temple of his tok guru (his master, former Chao Kun), he said under the well there is a LP Thuad statue made by real gold, people from outside used to came here after knowing this, they are greedy want to dig it out but was stopped by the villagers, they insisted to do it but cant find the statue. Archan said the well was protected by dragon, and devas such as Kuan Yin, Kuan Gong and Pek Gong also like to go there for taking bath. Personally i think it is a well of magic, its powerful energetic nature water so good even attracted devas to here. Archan said if got fate he want to rebuild the temple there, but first the land need to be bought, its quite costly.
He told me lot of things while we walk, obviously he like to talk a lot but you must pay 100% to understand his local Malay accent. He said he was forest monk, used to stay in the jungle of Thailand for 5 years and in future he wish to return to the jungle. I asked what he eat in jungle, he said forest monk just eat once in a day, sometimes he just ate leaf to fill the stomach. He said people like us just eat once in a day, what to do with so many money, money has no meaning to us.
While we are there at the location of well, Archan told us the Kuan Yin also there, sitting beside the well but she just keep quiet. Before he start to bath devotee, he chant to ask the permission from dragon and devas around, after he is done he told the devotee to pray and say your wishes inside your heart. I saw him throw the plastic container to the well and pull up once its filled with water, its impressive and touching to see he actually done all this at his age just to help people, container with water is not light, kinda heavy and he did that not just few time but i think at least 10 times or above, start from that moment he earned my respects a lot, regardless how he used to be so "outlaw" previously. After the family of auntie done bathing, i also wanted to try but i didnt bring any cloth around, i ask if i can bath in naked since no one there, he laughed and said you can get naked here but after that you also need to do another holy water bath infront of samnak, you cant get naked there. He asked me to go back his samnak and take the extra salung, well thats very kind of him but i think i just do it another time, seeing he is quite tired already. And btw a big kaloi fish is living in the well, its 30 years old already, Archan said it was putting here by a Malay boy 30 yrs ago, i asked what to feed that fish, he said the fish eat leaf. He then go to pick the leaf nearby to feed the kaloi fish. I know kaloi eat kangkung but didnt know it actually eat leaf, i think with his forest monk background he just know what kind of leaf is eatable either by human or animal.
He also did the bath by himself there, i want to offer my help to pull up the water for him but he said its fine, ive been doing this all the time, i can handle it. While he bath i return to his samnak and wait to see another holy water bath to the family of auntie.
When he returned to his samnak, he took out a black wood as shown on photo above, he said this is a stone wood taken from perahu (boat), his tok guru instructed him to use this tool to help human being. The holy wood was filled by candles drop, its very heavy too because it has turned into fossil already. He put that holy wood on top of devotee head and pour water on it, after that he use it to knock the head of devotees 3 times. This holy water bath ritual can only be done after well water bath, to enhance and boost up ones luck. It is done after holy water bath, devotee can change and go home, there is no paste gold foil and things like that.
This is the tombstone of his father, located just infront of his samnak. I asked if i can take the photo of it, he said if you want to take then take lah, its nothing one. Understand that he doesnt like to get so much exposure, so i actually ask him before taking any photo. I've seen how he do fortune reading using pinang leaf, i want to take the photo of it but he is not allowed. There are actually many else to share about this Archan, but i think my intro should end here, the rest is for you to find out by yourself. Have faith with him because i can see that he is not somebody else, regardless he is a serious monk, sometimes funny a bit, but he is a good monk, and its absolutely great to meet this master too, from what he said and according to his mother, his tok guru, also a Chao Kun, used to be very famous in the past because of his wicha power, everytime when i look at his statue, it gives lot of my respect, dont know how to describe it.
About this small kuti, i dont know if it belongs to this Archan or that Cambodian Archan, they told me that last time they always "saw" a men in white cloth doing meditation there, so they build this small temple for him.
- Asked his name but forgotten.
- He like to build a meditation center if possible. He like to meditate a lot.
- He always there, got phone but i didnt ask the number.
- Be sure to prepare the pinang stuffs in complete set if you want his fortune reading, but mine was special case, he use extra pinang leaf to read the fortune for me, hehehe...
- He can cure bad disease using the combination of transitional herbs and wicha magic. The skill was taught by his master and LP Orcid spiritually, simply amazing. He used to cured an insane woman back to normal. Continuous re-examination by Archan is important.
- He doesnt do any tangkai or amulet. He used to have few LP Orcid earlier batch but already given to its devotee. But he is very kind to create the yellow robes for me on the spot. This is first time i saw how yellow robes was crafted, thanks to him and i appreciated it very much.
Ii quote 2 more words from that old Archan.
"Everybody die at last, you think the kasaya that i wear can bring along when i die? After we die just turn into white bone, but nothing else, materialistic in this world is not important"
"Our luck up and down all the time, look at the fish, just like the way he swim, up and down always"
Ya that big knife was blessed by Guang Kong, the way it rotate meaning it sensor the bad energy, when it doesnt move and stay still meaning your energy is stable and calm. i said he is that kind of straight forward monk and with forest monk background, doesnt care for 人情世故, so he just told whatever come out from his mind, if inexperience people sure will not get used to it and shock. If i were you im not going to be so jumpy and say this Archan read wrongly your fortune, but id rather think that just the way he speak is different, he is more emphasis on the bad things, carry it with 平常心 then it should be fine.
I always visit temple with empty hands, well maybe with my camera, lol. I believe they way how we show respect to monk is more important than stuff that we bring to them, when you see any monk, join your palm and bow to them, this is first step, secondly approach them and talk slowly with smile on your face, if you are seeking monk to help out your trouble, tell them slowly in the most sincere way and ask him to help you. Remember this, we are not paying money to get their service, they are not provider and we are not consumer, inside temple is totally different than outside world. Even when we pay money to rent amulet, we are helping the temple also at the same time help ourself, but not pay for monk to enjoy in 5-star hotel. If you have that kind of thinking, you be like by many monks and even people in real world, thats the number 1 metta that we can actually gain it by ourself.
I saw how he teach 2 young guys lessons, one of it kena kongtao and one of it used to visit grave yard for fun and so got 5 ghost followed him. Archan even said dont want to save them already, after scold + education + threatening, he also helped those 2 guys at last, but one of them need to ordained as monk for 3 monks, this is instructed by his tok guru, must obey. If you saw that 2 guys, you really think the Archan is doing the right thing to scold them, they really look terrible with those gangster style, one of them even speak loudly with handphone in samnak but the signboard of "Silence Please" just infront of him.
Few more things to share about this old Archan which i just recall. That day auntie told me a story, few guys from KL came to visit Archan, while they are inside the samnak (in front of tok guru statue), Archan burn jossstick and stick into the incense burner there, then he go downstair to burn jossstick for other statue, while Archan is downstair, auntie and those KL guys still inside the samnak, then suddenly they saw the jossstick shake by itself! Auntie said the room is small, windows are closed, under no wind and no fans condition those jossstick shake tremendously by itself, auntie heard those KL guys talk to each other in cantonese "lei tai tou mou?" (have you seen it?), the other guy reply "yes! yes!" After Archan done with downstair and came back to his samnak, those jossstick just stop shaking. This is the story told by auntie that i met on my last visit.
About the tok guru statue that you can see inside the samnak, last time it was abandon around the location of old temple somewhere near the location of water well, one day tok guru came into the dream of Archan and accused him "Im not a ghost you know! Why simply put my statue like that!", so they go to find the statue and keep it in samnak until now. Thats what i heard from Archan, maybe not 100%, excuse me if i heard wrongly, but pretty much like that.
Old Archan basically help anyone without looking at their race or religion, a very kind Archan.
Lastly i wanted to say that, find this Archan when you are really really need for help but not going there if you cant kena 4d or anything (btw the datok gong there is good for 4d though), and pay absolute respect to him and his master.
I want to add something about the old archan. His pinang leaf fortune reading can also see your past life. I was told by an auntie who brought her friend to there to read the past life.
Also old archan can use the stick to read your fortune too, after pinang leaf fortune reading, if he think its necessary to see further, he will set in meditation posture, and will ask you to do the same, then he will use a long wood stick to touch your chest, then he can accurately read your problem, such as your past, what bothering you (bad spirit, kongtao or simply your mind) and etc. I saw he use this method to check a guy who kena love kongtao, accurately tell out his problem, such as who did that to him, why and etc, match with the actual case that i heard from that guy after that. Amazing.

I think his holy water is powerful, he said tok guru doesnt want the pipe water, but only well water, so i think got people help him to carry the water from that well to his samnak. When he pour the water to your bottle, he will put 2 keris on funnel and pour water to fill the bottle. Auntie said after his well water + holy water bath and drink his holy water, next day the eyes very shine and powerful, meaning got good energy.
My last visit to this old archan was 30/04/2011 on saturday, met the auntie helper of that old Archan, they been helping this Archan for long time already, many great story to share.
Yesterday was my 7th time to visit old archan, helped him to clear the dust from the water well because they cut the rubber tree in that area and make the water well became dirty. Wow so tired to clean the surface of water using long stick and net, very heavy job, dont know how this old archan handle it alone all this time, respect respect...
Old archan said if got money want to buy this land and re-build the temple, he want to build 2 big naga statue, using the engine to pump out the well water and make it spread out from naga mouth. He said 300 million is needed, i said it is impossible, why not buy the land first then slowly build up, it is better than wait until 300 million is collected, since he is just alone, aged already and no committee member to help him around. If you go to his samnak, look around, money just put here and there, didnt keep properly, he is not the monk that care to manage money, so i always wonder and doubt when he said want to re-build the temple, first of course i want to see it re-build, because this is his will and his master will too, secondly he just alone there, no 1 to help him, he told me that got few people already ran away his money, they came to him and borrow money to buy house and car and etc but never returned after that. Well maybe he got very rich devotee who willing to help, i dont know, i hope got someone there to help him. I asked old archan if his master (spiritually) did said anything about this, old archan told me that his tok guru (master) said to him that, if you want to rebuild the temple, then go ahead i'll help you on money matter.
Siam aunty told me that local people dont like him, they think he is crazy archan, few years ago he got mad because of this and run away to thailand to find his mentor (a forest monk master, still living of course) and stayed there for 5 years. To me, i think he is a very good archan, yes maybe not everyone can accept his character, which is talk in loud and sounds educative, but after all he didnt meant anything bad, he just want us to be good, you just need to show 101% respect to him then you will be fine. He is a lonely old archan, his property only belong to that double storey samnak and the water well that located 200 meter away. I felt very sad and sore to see him like this. He is actually a very very powerful monk, can utilise the power of samathi to see things, anytimes anywhere, i saw him enter samathi in both sitting and standing posture, enter just like that, look so easy.
This is not "Datok Kong" temple, i thought it was datok kong previously but until the regular devotee siam aunty told me that this is actually a female goddess called as "Tua Di Ya Chao", a very high rank devas, more high ranked than the deity that stay opposite it in bigger and beautiful temple. Everytime before old archan want to use pinang leaf to read fortune, he will come down to offer incense to this devas first.
Besides of his own samathi power, he is also a medium, which means his tok guru and other devas can communicate with him to help devotee, so dont get angry if he talk something very hard to you, sometimes it wasnt come out from his own, but the master or devas that "talk" to this mind. Like i mention in earlier post he can read our past life before we were born, i did requested him to read for me few times already but he told me "no instruction from tok" yet, so 1 time when i go there, no other devotees there just me and him, so after a bit of chit-chat he want to teach me how to do meditate, so i just let him to teach me (although i already know how to meditate), then me ask me to do meditation with him, we both meditated in this samnak for about 30 minutes, then he open his eyes and told me the things that he saw when i meditated, it is about my past life, i felt so surprised to be able to know my past life through this, i felt very touching, amazed and grateful because now i know what has gone wrong to my karma because of what i did in the life before this.
Old archan is a dedicated monk too, everyday morning wake up at 6pm to meditate until 10pm, everyday. He eat just a little bit of rice only, once in a day, he said eat is to sustain body only, but not for joy. He got hit by car before and suffering of bone pain, he also got heart problem, but still he help devotees everyday without saying anything, it is very heavy job to take out the water from well to bath people, he said last time so many devotees some even came by bus, he bath all of them, when tired, take a short while rest.
There are many yet to share, need to recall a bit first so right now just share from what i remember. All i can tell is, the more i visited this old archan, the more i can learn from him and the more i discovered about him, the more i respect him, but you really need to have ampere of time if you want to visit him, time has no meaning to him, you must have great patient but then again, every seconds that you spent on it worth for everything!

Slow but steady, the story of old archan keep coming...Yesterday visited old archan again for the 8th time, this time im not alone, with my newly made friend "alorsetar" we kick off the first temple tour by visiting Wat Kampong Guar Nangka. Photo above show the kutti that used to be the place of old archan to meet devotees, rest and cultivation. Years after helping many devotees get over their problem, they build a double storey building beside the kutti for old archan to show appreciation and grateful. I dont know who build that small kutti on that time, it look so small and simple, probably build by old archan himself, from here we can see that old archan indeed is a real forest monk, serious in practicing buddhism, the rest just very basic, just enough to survive, this including place of rest, eat and etc. He eat just once and little per day during lunch time, and his kasaya if you notice, never changed, the same old kasaya all the time, the sister of siam aunty, who saved by old archan from serious kongtao, said she used to suggest to old archan that she want to offer new kasaya to him on 浴佛节, and ask him to change to new kasaya, but old archan insist to wear the old kasaya.
浴佛节 of this year just passed month ago, i saw how siam aunty and her sister offer services to old archan, they ask old archan to sit down and pour water to wash the hands and legs of old archan. Simple but meaningful, im so touching watching it, i know old archan is happy, although he seems a bit shy during accepting this kind of services.
Yesterday his mentor from Phattalung, Thailand came to visit old archan, old archan seems happy with his new companion cause he no longer lonely, at least for the time being. We offer sugar, salt and oil to old archan, everytime when i visit him will try to bring something, cause feeling paisheh if go with empty hands, cause i want to get bath from him, a very troublesome job. I know he doesnt care what we offer to him, but it is the sincere grateful from the bottom of my heart that i hope him to receive.
His mentor (a monk) brought 2 begs of old amulets, i rent 1 piece of KP and my friend rent pitta of Portan Kai and LP Thuad of Wat Changhai. Old archan used to told me that if i want to rent amulet, wait for someone (maybe referring to this monk), he got genuine old amulets with cheap price, i didnt ask when he will come, but yesterday was lucky enough to actually meet him, fate i think. Actually i got too many amulets already but to show support i rent a KP at RM70 and my friend rent the LP Thuad at RM200 that i think very suitable for him, LP Thuad is very good at general protection, im wearing it everyday thats why i know how powerful it is and hence recommend it to people that i know. Old archan also used to recommend me to get a LP Thuad to wear, and so do Archan Tia, i just didnt listen to them until recently i started to wear back my old combination which is LP Thuad, Somdej and Elephant God, feeling all good! Moral of the story is, sometimes when you are in down hill, even if people told you to walk 10 steps forward to reach a gold mine, you will also simply ignore or feeling lazy to do so! But we should never give up to faith, we must struggle hard and one day it will be the sun rise day!
After visiting old archan, we head to another new temple, Wat Jawi, which i will post up its thread soon.
Lu punya hal lu sendiri tanggung! Aku tak mau tanggung banyak banyak!
Actually old archan is very kind, that day after we rent amulet, i look for the tool to open amulet ring, he quickly offer his help and go downstair to find out for me. You see he talk to ppl very lough, but inside he is not angry, sometimes he js speak on behalf whats been told to his mind (medium). That 2 guys that we saw that day, kena teruk teruk when they first time here, but that day i saw old archan give him the chant, ask them to pray at home together with meditation.
I asked him few times already to see my life before born he said his master didnt say anything, but that day he helped me using his own samathdi power. Though what he looked is different than what been told by other tangki, but i believe we have many layer of life before born, he just looked into the layer that cause my problem, so other problem maybe cause by other layer of life. I totally believed in old archan, may he doing well! Will find him again when my holy water is running out.
Now continuing the story of old archan...
Old archan said, he was a hitman (saw it by himself during meditation) before born, in the century where Siam at war with Cambodia. Hitman also is a butcher, he executed prison of war, which mean he chop people head off. One day (current time) during meditation he felt very very sad and tears drop tremendously to wet all his kasaya, because a spirit from ancient time is approaching him, she is a female spirit that was a victim during the time Siam and Cambodia at war, and her head was chopped off by old archan, happen to be a hitman at that time.
The female spirit is full with sadness and hates, maybe because she was innocent at that time, not suppose to died or just other reasons, when this spirit approached old archan, her magnetic is affected with old archan magnetic too, causing old archan also felt very sad, tearing and guilty.
Old archan told me this story after we both meditated about 30 minutes when he tried to see my past life. He said we must hardworking to do meditation to return merit to those we harmed before in our previous life, those we harmed in our previous life, if it was a serious case, they will continue to follow us in our present life, they are our 冤亲债主, even the most powerful deva also cant stop them from revenging (only can stop temporary), they will try all means to destroy our life, in the aspect of career, happiness, health, family and etc. If you are a men with religion background, example you did visited temple, got praying, participated into any religion ritual before and even practicing meditation frequently, then they will try to ask those merit to be returned to them. So it is advisable to return merit to 冤亲债主, weather we know if they are existed or not, if we are normal people then its hard for us to feel their existence, high level monk such as old archan with meditated power sure can see their own pass life and people pass life.
Continue the story and teaching of Old Archan...
Old Archan said, before meditation must chant the following to show respect of Buddha.
Prostrate Salutation To The Triple Gem x 1
arahang samma sambuddho bhagava buddhang bhagavantang abhivademi
svakkhato bhagavata dhammo dhammang namassami.
supatipanno bhagavato savagasangho, sanghang namami.
(The Exalted One, far from mental defilements, the Perfectly self-Enlightened One, the Awakened One. I bow down before the Blessed One. (one prostration) The Dhamma, the Law of Nature, the Noble Doctrine, wellexpounded by the Blessed One. I bow down before the Dhamma. (one prostration) The Sangha, the Noble Disciples of the Blessed One, who have practiced well. I bow down before the Sangha. (one prostration))
This katha is to invite buddha, he said last time he was confused, he thought after he chat that katha, buddha will come, but it never did. Now he know that this katha is just to pay respect to buddha and all his 护法,天神。。。
He said during meditation, breath out chant "Sama-arakhang" or "namapata" also can. I told him i always use "bud-dho" he said he used "bud-dho" for 5 years but "tak boleh dapat", meaning he cant enter samathi, cant get enlightened, after he changed to "Sama-arakhang" then only can enter, maybe after guided by his mentor from Phattalung. For this, i asked Archan Tia, he said it depends individually, find out the method that suite you and go for it.
He practice meditation daily, wake early in the morning and meditate until 10am. He said at night many mosquito disturbing him, he prefer to meditate in morning session. After 10am that only he start to meet devotees.
He is good at fighting kongtao, but sometimes also got kongtao that he cant really get it neutralized, if this happen then he will bring those devotees to Thailand, place of his mentor to seek guideline from his mentor. Siam aunty's sister used to followed old archan to Thailand before, to cure the kongtao that she got. She used to be nurse when she was young, very pretty, lot of people chasing her, and because of that lot of bad guys try to get her by doing kongtao to her. She got multiple kongtao, extremely serious and almost die, after they know about Old Archan, and continuously helped by him in long period of time, now her sister is 100% recovered. She said last time they have to wait from 8am to 5pm just to consult and bath by old archan.
If not mistaken old archan used to be naughty boy, one day he got serious ill and almost die, but devas came to help him, as return he need to ordain as monk. Maybe this is his fate. And he still naughty until today, that day i saw he try to lock siam aunty inside his samnak while we all outside after having lunch.
He used to hit by car, knock out about yard away, but survived, that time he wear LP Thuad amulet. Because of that accident, his leg bone still suffering from time to time until now. He knows how to do traditional herbs to help people, LP Orcid teach him in his dream. LP Orcid even want to pass down more medicine skills to him (in this dream) but he said he is lazy to learn

, just learn some can help people enough. His spiritually master (tok guru) blame him that, you already know how to do heal people with herbs, why dont you try to heal your leg problem (suffering cause of that accident)
Ok sharing until here, will add more when i recall...
Today revisited old archan. Learned some teachings and heard some stories, will share it later, now enjoy the view of photo first.

When i reached there saw old archan is painting the wall of his father tomb. He said painting is like meditation, focusing on it, do it slowly with full concentration, while painting you also can learn meditation. I helped him to paint some part, kinda tiring maybe long time didnt exercise. A devotee sponsored paint and energy to help re-painting old archan's samnak, his samnak was fully painted into white color, look very bright and clean.

We go to bath after that. Scenic view, all greens. A guy help to build a road to that water will, easy to walk. Water is clean and chill, feeling so cool after bath, great feeling!
While painting the wall, i saw 3 eggs there, then old archan said, we must have mercy to all being, even to chicken! Cause they have mother to give birth of them too. He said we must have heart to feel mercy, 慈悲心. He always speak loudly and sounds very fierce, those who met him before will agree on this, but his motive was very pure and possessed good heart just like buddha himself.
多年前在 Langkawi 的 LP Koon 庙待过,帮助筹款建庙。他说,LP Koon 跟他说: “ada duit baru bina wat, talak duit jangan fikir banyak-banyak!”。有钱就可以建庙,没钱不用想这么多。老阿占说,人很喜欢想着想那,想钱,想老婆,想这么多有什么用,它们会来吗?要来时 自然会来,不用想这么多!
在清迈的庙呆过。庙里面有很多老虎,我问道他不怕吗,他说: “takut apa, macam kuching saja!kita duk zhe xian, dia duk kat kita! kita kena sayang kat semua binatang!” 怕什么,好像猫而已,我们在那边坐禅,它就坐在旁边而已。我们要爱护所有的动物。
在 Ipoh 的 Gerik 呆过。那边是 LP Thuad 的圆寂地方。有一天坐禅时看见 LP Thuad。我问他 LP Thuad 长得怎样,是不是像平常我们看见的法相样子。他说 LP Thuad 长得很黑,很瘦小。他说要努力坐禅,心很凉,才会见到他。
在梦里见过 LP Orcid 传授药方给他。他说: “bila samathi kuat kuat dia mai dah!” 如果努力坐禅就会看见他!我问他有没有把药方抄下来,他说没有,tulis buat apa! 我问他有没有学到了什么,他说学到了医骨的药,曾经做了很多送给人。
几时才要出佛牌。他说:“sekarang tak mau buat lagi! kalau mau buat kena minta! buat phra tu untuk bina wat bukan buat syiok syiok!” 现在还没有打算,出佛牌是为了要建庙,不是随便就可以做的,要跟神请示先。
如果以后要做佛牌,要做什么牌。他说:“tak tau lagi, kena minta!"还不知道,要跟天神请示先。
要不要做 LP Thuad,既然你这样喜欢他的佛牌,还见过他。他说:“kalau mau buat kena ada modal banyak! lu ingat buat phra murah ah, dulu buat ubat 2 ribu sekarang ubat sudah habis modal tak balik lagi, kena banyak duit! mau bina wat baru buat! kena minta dulu! kalau tak minta malam dia mai dah!” 如果要出佛牌,要有成本,需要用到很多钱,以前做药花了2千块现在药完了钱还拿没有回来 (笑着说),要建庙时才出,要做前一定要跟天神请示,如果没有的话晚上他就会来找你了!
要怎样请示?点香禀告吗?他说:“ya! kalau ada minta dia akan bagi you tao!” 是的,如果有讨,晚上就会报梦给你知道!
你本身喜欢什么佛牌?他说他喜欢戴 LP Thuad。他问我戴什么牌,我给他看上次我跟他的同修请的坤平,他笑说年轻还没出家前喜欢戴坤平,但钱收不住,因为都花在女人的身上,他的公公骂他,还不会找钱就这么厉害花钱,一气之下就把他的坤平丢进河里!
One time i asked old archan to chant my combination of amulets, somdej, pikanet and lp thuad on 1 chain, he just chant somdej and pikanet, he said he dont want to chant lp thuad, he said if i chant for lp thuad then he will come immediately, so i dont want to chant it. So he holds the somdej and pikanet in his palm while letting lp thuad outside of his palm when chanting.
That day saw old archan use a new "weapon", an axe like sacred tool, i suppose it was made by wood body and stone head, i asked what it is, he said the tool was given by his master, or should i say his master "direct" him to get the tool, since the gap between his master "tok" and old archan is few hundres years. I asked him to use that tool to knock my head, he did it after pouring a cup of holy water onto my head. I want to take photo of it, now allowed.
Sharing 2 very weird and special meditation postures guided by old archan today.
1. Holding the knee
Sit like this, put your right arm under your right leg and palm come out to grab your bottom part of left leg while left arm under your left leg and palm come out to grab your bottom part of right leg.
2. Swinging hands
Sit like normal meditation, right palm on top of left palm but dont touch each other, maintain about 5cm in between and swing them in opposite direction, you will see some force around your hands while you are swinging, the longer you swinging the more force you can feel and you will also feel that it swings by itself, no longer need energy to do that.
I went to visit old archan again today, yesterday he asked me to come today he wants to bless my car after i told him i got many minor accident recently and kena saman, he said when i bought the car i didnt choose a good day, they car is wild and need to be tied off, yesterday he said he need to prepare the lucky robe to tie on starring, he needs a night to prepare for it, today when i go there he said last night he meet devotees until 2am, helping some malay that kena things, wow, now that i know he also meet devotees at night, i asked him did you meet devotees at night too? He replied with yes. So today he use another lucky robe that he prepared for other people to tie my car staring. As i heard from other devotees, a malay devotees, said last time after old archan touch the car plate, go home strike 4d, but the number 6 terbalik to 9, they forgot to swap the number 6 to 9, cause 9 is the meaning of holy spirit, monk, god and etc represented by 9. After that they asked old archan to bless their car, go home strike 4d, but only 3 digit behind.
Old archan indeed very deep in meditation, during meditation he can saw many special things, today during chatting with other devotees i heard he said during meditation he saw the local god who control the area of padang sanai and many places else, he is very tall, i mean real tall, can speak in thai, came with riding a tiger, they said he is people from the past, since their communication in malay i cant fully understand the whole story. After that i chat with the malay mix siam devotees, they talked about many mystery things, asked old archan and old archan answer their doubts, very interesting just like watching some mystic movie! But since the story i heard came in pieces, i think im gonna need time to come out a complete version so only u guys know the whole things. The above tall local god is part of the story heard today.
Back to meditation topic, he said during meditation you must chant the mantra of "homage to triple gems", then bow 3 times only start to meditate. During meditation you can chant "phu-tho-ar-na-nui" instead of just "phu-tho", this will give you more power. I dont know the meaning of ar-na-nui, but he did told me something about ar-na-tha, which mean everything will return to zero and empty as told by buddha himself, so i think ar-na-nui is ar-na-tha.
I bold myself to ask him i have been practicing meditation for almost 1 year why hasnt yet i feel anything, takda power lagi! I know this is a very stupid question, just like a lazy student ask his teacher why he score low mark in exam, but since yesterday just me and him and he was in good mood so i dare myself to ask him this question, he said he start to meditate since 21 years old, he took 7 years then only achieve some, during that time he also seek different way to achieve something, was taught by many people including his master tok that guide him in spiritually, then only he achieved something. He asked us not to give up, keep practicing. We then spent about 30 minutes meditate together, i must say that i felt good to be able to practice mediation infront of him, thought archan tia used to said you can practice meditation everywhere not just doing it in temple, but if a master can so patiently guide you personally i must that say that this is a real good encouragement for lazy and lack of self dedication student like me.
There are many things to share, but let me do it slowly. I have to say that although his not very serious personality, like to joke and scare people sometimes, but this archan is 100% powerful and decent, he is by far the only malaysian monk that i like so much.
Dharma talk by Old Archan (Ar-Na-Tha)
Im gonna share what been told by old archan in plain and simple english with lot of grammar mistake, writing in fast so bear with it. Its about Ar-Na-Tha. It all begins when 1 day while he is mediating, he saw 2 master approached him, one of them as told on above the very tall local god, came by riding a big tiger and the other master came with elephant. One of the master asked him, ong teh (in hokkien, meaning emperor) and Phu-Tha, which is more superior? Old archan answered them its Phu-Tha (Buddha), the master said "yes son, you are right, Phu-Tha is more superior, even emperor have to learn from buddha to get wisdom", then those masters asked him again, "what do you want", old archan replied "i want nothing", master said "baik cucu, you kena pegang kuat-kuat", meaning to ask old archan to follow strictly the buddha teaching.
Then old archan asked me, do you know what is ar-na-tha? I said i dont know, he said, buddha said ar-na-tha, meaning no point to be so materialistic, when you die, you cannot bring anything back, everything return to zero and empty after you dead. I replied, yes true, but i got nothing yet (still being so selfishness at this point

), he then said nothing for a while, then he continue, he said he helped many people before, after they got what they wish for, they forgot about me, they not coming back again. He said the ritual is like is borrowing fortune, they borrowed my fortune and after they got it, they forgot about me. I smile and said archan, i wont forget you if i did get something in the future
We had chat after he finished the lunch, i was wanted to wait him go upstair inside his lomtam but he ask me to pull a chair to sit there in the kitchen with him, he just a lonely old man, want to have somebody to listen to him and get lecturer by him, but i didnt have any complaint at all, i like to accompany him in this way, its an honor have opportunity to listen dharma from a master like him, just a bit draw back is sometimes he like to keep repeating, so you have to be wise enough to change the topic politely without letting him to feel that you are boring, but i think he knows how we all feels with his samathdi power.
That friday i brought some amulet to him want him to test the power of it, after about like 40 mins chatting in kitchen i indirectly remind him about it, then he said, our heart is the strongest amulet, keep practicing meditation! I said i did, but just a while in a day, didnt really work hard on it. Then he said, you have to follow exactly the buddha way, dont obsess into amulet! i said i know, but im not into that level yet, i still need the power of amulet to help me

i told him what i mentioned above that i havent achieve anything yet after 1 years of meditation, he said how you do it? i said i chant the mantra (homeage to triple gem) as you taught before meditation, but sometimes i didnt cause i still need to read book while chanting, but i like the chanting of "the three refuges", i can chant it without looking at the book, then he started to laugh me whole day about it! He said do you know what is that meaning? Its like taking vows, why do you want to chant the taking vows before meditation? You must chant the homeage to triple gem! The rest of the meditation guideline as written above in the previous thread.
Next will share how he test power and solve the doubt about the special encounters on i heard someone talked to me while i asleep...
Miscellaneous quotes of Old Archan
1) Mother is greater than father, will pregnancy carry you for 10 months, suffering pain when giving you birth, feed you raise you, while father is more responsible on financial matter of family, go outside to find money for the family. Saying so when he asked me father and mother, which is greater, during the "dharma talk" at his kitchen, i said father (cause i lost my mom when i was very young) , then he started to yell at this

he said buddha said mother is greater, when meditation the first to give merit is to mother first.
2) You want to follow the evil way or buddha way, suddenly he asked me, then he quote something that i post before in the previous thread, that 2 master appeared in his meditation ask him to follow strictly the buddha.
3) Kumanthong is only powerful if made using real fetus. Those statue kumanthong is only plastic, got power but it (the spirit) come and gone very quickly (he meant shared spirit). You think you can easily get real powerful kumanthong from thailand? If good stuff you think they easily let go to you? I been in thailand for many years, ive seen many things. He said he used to have real fetus kumanthong, or something like that, gave to his brother already long time ago, he said that was real kumanthong.
4) I told him about i heard some voice while i asleep. He then stop for a while to think of something, then he said the guy is chinese, very dark, he has no harm to you, he just want to ask you to be good. I asked if that guy is siam, he said chinese also got dark skin 1! He is chinese! I said why come to me? Then he laugh and said because you chant the "the three refuges" before meditation, it was wrong! He said if you keep chanting "the three refuges" before meditation, then he will find you again! He is joking, i suppose
Now sharing some story that i heard from other devotees during their chatting session. As mentioned before, last saturday when i was there a couple (husband malay mix siam, wife siam) was waiting for old archan to have lunch, while waiting i try to make friend with the guy, he said last time while he work at langkawi, people do him kongtao, 1 year he cant eat any solid food, just can drink water, and only plain water but not other drink else. At the beginning i didnt believe it, he must be very blur until now, how can a human being survived for 1 year without eating anything just drink plain water, then i asked him about 5 times, yes you heard it right, i keep asking him, are you sure you just drink plain water in that whole year without eating any solid food like rice, or maybe you did take something like oat drink, he said yes, i really can just drink just plain water, if eat solid food like rice i will throw out immediately, if take nutrien drink like milk, 3-in-1 or etc also will throw out immediately, i can only drink plain water and cold water that whole year the time i kena kongtao in langkawi. My mouth open like 1 minute, im so surprised really out of imagination that a human being can live 1 year just drink water. Then his wife came over and support what his husband said, she was there taking care of him during the period of he kena kongtao. He now recovered already, but still very thin, face also very thin and got unpretty dark and dry pimples that we usually can see from those who suffered from kongtao. Was it cured by old archan i asked, he said no, that time he didnt know old archan yet, it was cured by a thai bomoh living in Jeniang (somewhere in the kedah state here), and it aint free, need to calculate your age to come up with a certain amount for the ritual, he spent some few hundreds for the ritual, and it did work out. He said before that he look for malay bomoh, but none of them can cure him, although himself is malay. Now he came to old archan mainly to clean up the remaining dirty thing and to boost up luck, cause services provided by old archan is free, they are poor couple, this is the best solution.
Next will continue more story from this couple...
Next chapter next time, now sharing what just happened just now
Just now fetch old archan to padang besar to do something, unfortunately at malaysia gate they not allow to let my car to enter cause i didnt bring the car geran, old archan said normal can pass easily they wont ask for it, only this time. Later he said his tok (spiritually) told him that those officer just want to eat kopi, they purposely kacau us, no wonder he ask me "nak buat macam mana" , i didnt realize it was the sign for eating money, so i said i dont know, they ask me to return back to malaysia. Really "god bless" those officer.
On the way back old archan said, his tok told him that today is wednesday, not a good day and so unfortunately that time was a bad time too so got obstacle, i said maybe im not "clean" enough to bring bad luck to you

he felt sorry because wasting my petrol, i said never mind lah, i volunteering to drive you, not you forcing me, just driving around to eat wind also not bad, beside, from his temple to padang besar just 30 minutes, along the way is scenic view, the land is so beautiful, unfortunately it was ruled by those who have bad heart, sad.
Today is wednesday, he dont meet devotees or perform any ritual, i forgot it is wednesday if yes i also wont go to find him, i find him today to return the lucky robes that the other way he use other ppl's to tie on my car, he asked me to buy him another new robes to return to those people, i did it today. So since he is free and he said he wants to go padang besar to buy plant and meet friend, so i volunteering myself to drive him there. It suppose to be a fun journey, if not ruined by those officer.
Now sharing some great encounters story that i heard today.
During old archan young time, he used to spend many years in thailand to learn thing, now im going to share some of his encounters with other great master that he learned from:
Bathing in bowl
Some temple in Thailand, the master name is something like LP Urn, already pass away long time ago. One day old archan and his friend chatting with LP Urn and they decided to go somewhere together with him, LP Urn told them to wait for a while cause he want to get bath first. Old archan and his friend then waiting for him. While waiting his friend notice a bowl (tabat container) is shaking, his friend then told old archan about this, at first they thought the shaking bowl might cause by some rat inside the bowl, so his friend ask old archan to go and open the cap, old archan approach the bowl and slowly remove the cap, and he saw LP Urn is bathing inside that bow!!!

The time he told me this, my mouth and eyes open widely, just cant believe what i heard, i triple confirm it with old archan to make sure i didnt hear it wrongly. At last i ask him if he also learned the trick, old archan said he dont want to learn it.
Now continue to share some of his encounters with other great master:
Insulting monk
Some temple in thailand. One day somebody came to that temple and told the abbot to give up the land cause this land is belong to him and he want to use it for some purpose. The abbot knew he got bad intention, and replied him "i wont give you back the land". That guy got pissed and threat the abbot "if you dont want to give me back the land then i will shoot you on the spot", after finish saying he draw out a gun and point to that abbot, the abbot has no fear, he said if you dare then shoot me now. That guy really did, he pull the trigger but the gun is not working, he tried few times but still not working. Then the abbot said, "you will die by today." That guy leaving with his car, after a while he got major accident and die.
So the story is something like that. Old archan said, that abbot told him, one must have very "clean heart", then you wont get harm by any weapon.
"The frozen water"
A master in thailand played some trick to entertain old archan. Old day in temple that master told old archan to hand him a glass of water, old archan passed him a glass with water on it. That master then recite on that water and give back to old archan, ask him to throw away the water and see, old archan did as he was told, but amazingly no matter how hard he tried, the water inside that glass just like frozen, not leaking a single drop!
CK Bao
Now back to the master in malaysia. Today no body visiting him, just me and him. After lunch we went upstair and he start to work on the luck robe. After he finish the robe we had chatting. We chat alot, or in the other word to say, he lectured me alot

We talk about the lucky robes, he said this aint easy to do, must 100% concentrate, then he keep talking about the topic of it. After a while I point the white string that im wearing on my waist, i told him that i get this from an old monk from Wat Jitra, then i told him about LP Chuan, a very powerful old monk that can spell away the raining cloud, i asked old archan if he know LP Chuan as he is one of the student of LP Orcid too. Then old archan start to telling the story of LP Orcid, about a village boy laugh at LP Orcid about his skin head, the story i already posted in previous thread. Old archan said, CK Bao of Wat Kalai is actually the top student of LP Orcid, the following is one of the story of CK Bao that old archan told me.
One day at Wat Kalai, CK Bao feeling to have some fun with the former abbot of Wat Lampan, he then use a hand made weapon, that village kids created to play on each other, he shoot the weapon on the air and about the same time the abbot in Wat Lampan got hit on his head! The trick is like 隔山打牛!I asked old archan why CK Bao want to do so, old archan said CK Bao just try to have some fun with his friend, they are playing each other only, no other means.
Old archan said, CK Bao very dislike people to gambling, few time he saw ppl glambing in his temple, he go and confiscated all the money on the table. So if people saw CK Bao is around, they not dare to gambling anymore.
CK Bao also very hardworking, one day he help in paddy field, a policeman pass through the area and saw him as monk working on the paddy field, he felt so funny and laugh. CK Bao then smile to him and ask him to come over, end up that policemen whole day working in the paddy field!
So the above are few stories that i heard from old archan today, special encounters that old archan experienced during his young time with other master. I feel that they are very intriguing and amazing, hope these stories spice up your day.
Power of samathdi
One day old archan enter samathi to "look" for his sister who working in penang, js try to have some fun with her.
A bomoh always come to find old archan, but old archan already knew that he is bad bomoh, cause he create fears on his devotees to cheat on money. At first that bomoh try to deny it, but after old archan utilize his samadhi power to see his things, then only he believe and feel ashamed. He said monk cannot lie, this is very important.
Old archan is a very kind hearted monk, because of this he got cheated by many people before, some people get close to him just want his money, he said few ppls already cheated him more than RM500k, details of story i think i dont need to tell, you know it. He said he helped many people before, to get them from ground zero to have everything, but at last they forgot him, i then keep annoying him to help me too (although he already did

), he asked me not to worry, you are slow type of person, you will get things slowly.
Yesterday when i reach his place he is having lunch. After that we chat in the kitchen. He said he knew some one is coming, cause he saw it on his plate, a car is moving surrounding the outer edge of his plate.
Old archan is actually chinese-siam mix, his grandfather was a chinese, he can understand hokkien, just he already used to communicate with ppl using malay, so malay become his major language.
He still refuse to take photo. I saw a photo frame at his lomtam, i asked him if he got any photo, i want a piece of it, he said no, he said that photo was taken "accidentally" by his friend, the only photo that he have. I want to take photo of him working on lucky robes, he said what for? He said he already appeared in majalah TV3 and few magazines before, ppl just use him to make money and never return anymore. Look like he still been hunted by those bad memory, cant get over with it. His tok guru asked him, what for to get famous, its nothing to be proud of, everything is just "Arnata". He followed what his tok said, a very good student.
He is not so into yant and creating sacred item, although he knows how to do it. I told him im not interest at katha, just interest at meditation, he said he knows both, just seldom utilize it, cause his tok guru very strict at this, cant simply do.
One day his tok asked him, what is this? (money), old archan replied, "tok, its just a piece of government paper", his tok is happy with his answer.
Old archan is:
- Real powerful with solid skill and experienced. But he wont show you or tell you those out phenomena things directly, unless you ask him or he say it during chatting, without try to show off his powerful, just so naturally. He wont like those cheater scumbag tell you there are a lot of things following you when they first saw you.
- Follow strictly the buddha and monk restrictions
- Extremely low profile, humble and treat everyone the same, doesnt give a damn on who you are.
- See money as absolutely nothing.
- Can see the shadow of LP Orcid and those old powerful malaysian monk's glory era on him
From old archan i learned more about buddhism, i experienced how a monk who took vows and living their life fully under the buddha's teaching, better yet his great encounters and interactive style with devotees make us believe on things that wont happened on layman like us, a truly living example of legend and eye opener for everyone.
Continue sharing of Old Archan:
That day while fetching him to Padang Besar, inside the car i asked him "do you feel hot?" Coz i saw him wearing full robes. He said "ni sami hutan! Panas apa!" He said last time inside jungle, everyday walk to the mountain hill and walk down, everyday practice walking meditation in the jungle. Look like he been trained well, until today if you see him walking, also just like walking meditation, slow and steady. Everytime after back from his place my movement also became slow a bit, steady a bit. Last time i walk very fast, but after get know of old archan, my step become slower, focusing on each step, knowing what we are doing at each moment, especially while jogging, instead of just walking, we can take the opportunity to practice walking meditation, this is meditation in daily life.
That day after lunch time, he keep those unfinished dish into freeze, he said dont want to waste the dish, still can be eat tomorrow. In his small kitchen, i dont feel conformable, cause its quite dirty and smelly, no one there to take care of it, just him alone, but his act and words make me stay. I keep asking him, are you sure you just eat once in a day? Just lunch and no even breakfast? He said yes, just lunch only. And he said he doesnt like meat, although he can eat meat but if he take too many meat he will become tired (because our body need more energy to digest meat). He said im fat because i like to eat meat. I said nope, im fast because everyday sit infront of computer, he smile. His tok said to him, look at tiger and elephant, who is bigger and stronger, elephant, and what did those elephants eat? Vegetable. He said his tok (the spiritually one, pass away few hundred years ago) live until 120 years old, cause he prefers vege than meat.
He mentions, monk cannot tell lie, especially im local, im from this place, its like circling, everything in the circle, if you tell a lie today, next time you will meet the consequence in the circle. Saying so when he tell me about the bad bomoh that came to find him, the story i already written.
He said meditation must take time and must have patience. He said last time in Thailand he used to saw how a master doing meditation, they dig a hole, master sit under and his student sit on top, they meditated straight 8 days without coming up. He said you (me) just meditate a while per day, how to achieve thing?
Sharing some story told by Old Archan:
I forgot under what topic, old archan told me about the following story. Cause you know he talk with local accent, really hard to understand even for people like me who grow up in Kedah, i thought my malay is local enough but his more local.
Old uncle
He said, last time he got a friend, or more suitable to describe as his devotee, who was a big shareholder of a local medium size supermarket. He said that uncle always wear very chin-chai, bad t-shirt with short pant (point to my pant and said his pant more worst than mine

) and drive an old national car (proton) than yours. One day he went to his own supermarket and wanted to buy something, but a malay sales girl dont want to serve him because of his poor appearance, that malay girl treat him very rude. That uncle was very angry, took out a stack of money and bang on her table, said "do you know who i am? I want to buy you also can! Ask your manager to see me!" Things that happened after that you already know, manager scold the sales girl, apologized to that uncle, who happened to be the boss of this supermarket, etc. That uncle told the girl, i dont want to see you in here again, i want to transfer you, your heart is not good. Girl cry.
As said, i forgot under what topic he told me this story, but quite interesting. Moral of the story, next time wear good if you want to go supermarket or, wear bad but with a stack of money get ready to bang on table
Old archan said, that uncle was very active in buddhism and hardworking at meditation. Unfortunately he already pass away. Old archan said, 2 days before he want to pass away, he came to old archan, kinda farewell to him, ask old archan what he wants, he can sponsor it, old archan said i want nothing from you. 2 days later he die.
Cheating case
Long time ago, a family of 3, father, mother and daughter came to old archan, ask old archan to help them cause they are so poor and no place to live. Old archan accept them, together they live in old archan's samnak. 1 day old archan gave the father RM30k (that time RM30k is very big liao), ask him to go other place to build a house. The money was accepted by that father. After that i already forgot what happened, all i still remember is, that father try to marry his own daughter to old archan, not because they are grateful, but because they want to cheat more money from old archan. I forgot what happen to that family after that.
This story i already written before. An indian guy from selangor know old archan from TV documentary (majalah tv3), came to old archan, interview him, publish his story on magazine, ask the funds from public said helping the temple to raise fund, but never gave back old archan even a cent, but told ppl he already gave old archan large amount of money, etc. Die. After he died, his soul came to seek seek forgiveness from old archan.
现在继续分享那对夫妻的故事。。。之前说过,那男的之前在 Langkawi 做工时被人下降,导致他一年内只能喝白开水或冰的白开水,后来是被 Jeniang 的一位泰籍法师医好的,然后他才认识老阿占,主要是来增运。他们夫妻俩来找老阿占已经有一段日子了,我看见男的颈项带着一个东西,很好奇马来人会戴什么法 宝,就问他,他说这是老阿占给他的,圆型中间有个洞,类似中国古币,但比较小,比较厚。原来老阿占也会制造圣物的,下次一定要烦他做个给我!
他的妻子是马泰,即马来人和泰籍的混血儿,我看她大部分时间都用马来语跟老阿占沟通,但偶尔也会用泰语,很流利,或许他们聊到一些不想被我听到的内容时就 用泰语,因为她知道我不会泰语。老阿占也有给她一些圣物,是什么我就听不清楚了,只知道老阿占叫她保管好好,它会保佑她的。当她和老阿占用马来语在谈天 时,我就听到了一些有趣的事,也参与讨论和询问,现在就跟大家来分享:
之前提过,老阿占有说过,在入定时有两位神明出现,一位骑着老虎,一位骑着白象,他们都是地方神明,掌管 Padang Sanai 以及一些地区,听老阿占说,他们掌管的地方甚至到了泰国边界。他们都是古代的人,长得非常的高。由于他们都在用很道地的马来语在交谈,我又在不知详情的情 况下得知此事,所以我只能尽量做转述了,有些地方会不清楚。后来我想,老阿占之所以会碰到这两位神明,一定和这位妇女有关,现在要写的是有关妇女的故事 了。原来她还没有遇到老啊占时,她还不会打坐,但自从认识老啊占后,就在他那那边学会了打坐,也因为打坐的关系,让她遇到了许多不可思议的事,我想着两位 神明不多不少也和她有关,因为是她向老啊占谈起这件事后,老啊占才说起这一切的。他们谈到一半时,那妇女突然对我说,有一天晚上睡觉时,突然有股很强烈的 感应,她知道是该地方神明来了,她就在心里默念,要求地方神明给她4个号码,好让经济有困难的她可以中字。她说,她这么一想后,换来的就是一系列的脚步 声。起初我还不明白这到底是什么意思,后来经她解释后才明白,原来该神明是在给她暗示,比如9个脚步声就代表9这个号码,但她说由于心不够清,听不清楚, 因此没有听出来到底是什么号码。听完我稍微汗颜一下,原来民间的求字花样真百出不穷,听过瑶号码,用手搓树皮,托梦,看香炉找号码等,听脚步声还是头一次 听到,精彩!
那夫妻住在 Padang Sanai 靠近山区的一个地方,他们说那边的森林很神奇,有个地方是沼泽地,有一天他们进过那地方,由于泥土松软,因此会沉下去,但沉不深,只淹没脚盘。那妇女说, 这很奇怪,因为之前有伐木工友不小心在那边掉了2根很长的树木,2根相续的以垂直的方式掉下去,2根都被淹没得无影无踪,可见那沼地是多么的深不可测,但 奇怪的是,她经过时只淹没脚盘而已。我也不知道为什么她说起这件事,想表达的又是什么,或许她得到那片森林的庇佑,或许她神功了得,也或许她也不知道什么 原因。
他们继续说,那森林里有很多宝藏,之前他们看到一些碗碟,都是以金属制作的,老阿占听到这里也插嘴了,他说他也知道,因为之前有在那边修行过,那些都是古 代留下来的东西,而且都是真金做的!但老阿占说他一个也没有想要的意思。我听到这里,眼睛一亮,立刻向那对夫妻打听具体的地点,但立刻被老阿占视破,老阿 占说 “tak boleh bagi dia tau! nanti dia pi dah!”,不可以告诉他!等下他就会去了!我很欣赏老阿占看透我拥有探险的好奇心,但是如果知道真确的地点,我想我也不会冒这个险啦,因为那地方是被神 明看管的,我或许还没有这个福份得到哪些宝物!
你知道佛陀比这手势是什么吗?老阿占问我。我打趣说,是 OK 手势啊!老阿占急了,大声的说,不是!三支手指各代表: Sin, Samadhi 和 Panja。意思是以下:
- Sin - 代表5戒
- Samadhi - 这个大家都知道,就是禅修
- Panja - 代表智慧
今天是我第一次布施食物 (Sankatan) 给和尚,把它献给了老阿占,说起来惭愧,还没有布施食物给阿占爹过。谈起布施食物,其实这是暹籍安递教我的,之前在老啊占的庙认识了她,教了我很多东西, 其中一个就是布施食物,她说,布施食物给和尚很好,是公德。也教了我要如何做,如,把自己和家人的名字写在一张纸上面,连同菜肴和白饭放在一起,然后交给 和尚,和尚吃前和吃后都会念经,我们就会得功德了。我想做很久了,但都懒得去做,所以今天算是头一次。其实,我布施食物不是为了要功德,而是看到老阿占一 个人,并没有厨房助手,虽然他的母亲每天都会煮给他吃,但我想如果有人布施食物给他,他一定会觉得很窝心,也是我们对他显出感激的方式,如果给他钱,你有 去过他的地方都知道,满地都是人家给的钱,给再多也没用,日常用品也很多了,菜肴最适合,立刻可以吃,吃不完还可以喂狗。虽然前几次他已经对我说过了,最 好的功德就是坐禅,得来的功德远比布施食物或帮庙来得大,阿占爹也曾经这样对我说过。
今年看到他吃我买给他的食物,有股莫名的开心,不知怎样形容,是感动吧。他在吃时我就在外面等他,等他吃完了他叫我去吃,我说不了,我吃过了(其实还没有 吃,只想趁机节食一下),现在很肥,想减肥。他笑说,吃到肥肥才会旺!我坚持不吃,说长得太肥不好,人家会以为我们很懒惰。后来他又再三的叫我吃,他 说,Tok 叫你去吃,吃了会旺!听完他这么说,飞快的跑去吃!Tok 叫到,能不给脸吗?而且吃了会旺耶!反正都肥了,没差,就在那边解决了我的午餐。吃完饭,看见老阿占一个人蹲在那边洗碗,就过去跟他蹲在一起聊天。他一边 洗,一边跟我聊,聊了聊,自己觉得不好意思了,看到老阿占洗碗也不帮忙 (老实说看见那盆脏兮兮的洗碗水,真的不想去动它),就问他需要帮忙他,他说不用了,习惯了,之前在泰国出家时,由于那间庙没有女人,所以他和两位和尚每 天都必须负责洗碗,洗完还要抹一遍。听完觉得惭愧,平时除了自己的碗碟,很少帮人家洗碗碟,人家是大师,除了自己的碗碟,还帮过这么多人洗。默默努力的付 出,从中悟出佛理,这也是修行的一种,禅道就在每天的生活当中,这就是我今天从老阿占那边学来的东西。
吃完午餐,没有人来找他,我们就坐在外面乘凉,一直聊到4点我才回家。今天聊了很多,从上面的法坛聊到下面的厨房再聊到外面去,会慢慢的再跟大家分享。上 面那个佛陀的手势也是今天他教我,在谈到 Arnata 时他就说起这些。解释完后他问我,你之前都不知道这些吗?我说我不知道啊,我是在这几年才开始接触佛教而已。不知为什么,他听完后脸部的表情有点不可相信 的感觉,哈哈。跟老阿占聊天有个好处,就是你不用问,他就会好像机关枪一样自己说得没完没了,当然,如果你要问什么还是可以的。听力要好,脑袋记忆力也要 好,不然就好像我一样,有些比较生的字眼就会忘记。今天聊了很多,整理后决定再慢慢的跟大家分享以下:
- 一些佛理
- 地方神明的延续 (这很精彩!)
- 老阿占与LP Thuad 的一些经历
- 林梧桐的发迹与云顶的故事 (这也很精彩!)
- 神像与拜拜之说
- 老阿占学习咒语的过程
- 入定后所见
- Arnata Loopbang
- Arnata Wunichai (spelling)
- Arnata Sangka
忘了什么话题,他又扯到 Arnata (一切皆空)了。。。对了,因该是谈起他的善信中有人要买新车了,然后要把旧的送给他 (其实比我的车还新),他说他不要,要来做什么,又不会驾车。我听完后哇的一声说,阿占,你的徒弟真有钱啊!然后他就大声的说,一切为 Arnata!然后又陆续的说了一大堆,忘了是什么,他说一共有3个 Arnata,只记得他说
Arnata Loopbang 是身体的空,这是肉身而已,我们借助它来修行,总有一天它会老去,它会病,无论你长得多好看,等你老了,死了,就不会好看了!我之所以对 Arnata Loopbang 有印象是因为 Loop 这个字,佛牌的 Looplor 代表小金身,Loop 这个字应该就是代表身体了。起初我听为 Lubang,我就问老阿占,什么是 Lubang,他说不是 Lubang! 是 Loopbang,代表 Badan (身体) ,然后我就明白了,Arnata Loopbang 代表肉身,借假修真的意思。至于
Arnata Wunichai 我真的忘了是什么,勉强想起来,如果没有错的话应该就是代表一切都是表面的,虚的。至于
Arnata Sangka,他解释了两三次,他说,你看着胡子,然后他指了自己的胡子,它由黑变白,它不会永远都黑。你看这头发,也会变白,这皮肤,也会变皱,没有什么是永恒的。
以上就是要分享的3个 Arnata,以后有机会跟他聊起在问清楚纠正。听老阿占讲话非得打起12分精神不可,他拿浓浓的乡下马来语,加上跳跃式的说法,常常令人抓不到球。对于没有接触过正统南传佛教任何书刊的我,听到那些泰文或巴力文的名词就有点吃力。
在谈到有关 Arnata 时,他引用了上次说的,母亲和女友,那个重要。他说,等你死了,你的老婆就不要你了,为什么呢,我问,因为她们都怕鬼!他笑着说,谁要有个鬼老公/老婆 啊。想想也是有道理,虽然海枯石烂的爱情还是有的,但大多数的都不是了。老阿占的意思就是要说,母亲的爱是永恒的,无论我们发生了什么事,母亲还是会如我 们出生的那一刻一样的爱着我们,即使过世了,在天之灵,还是因为爱着她自己的孩子而去惦记他们,去保佑他们,舍不得他们啊。现在终于明白为何南传佛教这么 注重母亲,很多出家当和尚的都是为了要报答父母的养育之恩,连老阿占和我说佛理时,也特别注重这点。朋友们,听完老阿占的话,要记得多多孝顺自己的父母亲 啊,从中去体会佛法,这就是修行了。
我们坐在外面的石椅上,大树为我们遮荫,徐徐的微风在吹着,看着远处青绿的稻田,享受着乡下风光,听着老阿占在讲经,人生如此夫复何求呢。老阿占越说越起 劲,把脚抬起来放在石桌上,指着自己的脚,一边搓着脚的皮肤一边说,看,这就是 Arnata 啊!我看了他的脚,之前车祸后的伤痕还很明显,皱了的皮肤,说明了岁月不留情,我们这肉身会有老去的一天,修行要趁早,免得有一天它不再听使唤了,就晚 了。
听了老阿占讲了一大堆的佛理,我不由自主的从心中感慨的说,人生为什么要来到这世上呢,那么苦,为了什么呢?老阿占听完我这么问,停了一下,然后指着自己 的脑袋说,为了要 “Bijak”。 Bijak 是马来文,意思是聪明。听完我还不是很明白,老阿占就好像机关枪一样在那边解释个不停,过了好一阵子我才会意过来,我哦的一声说,是智慧!老阿占不会听华 语,但他也好像知道我明白了。原来老阿占说的 Bijak 就是智慧!人生来到世上,是要修行,修行了,就有智慧,有了智慧,就达到人生在世的目的了,就可以回去了。要说明一点的是,智慧并不是代表有多聪明,爱因 斯坦很聪明,但他并不一定是有智慧的,某某大师一生都关在庙里修行,他看起来庸庸碌碌,好像并没有可以震撼世人的作品或贡献,但他或许就是有智慧的。那着 世界呢,是怎么来的,我问道。老阿占想了一阵子,然后说,从太阳那边来的。我想我知道了他的意思,地球是从太阳系那边来的。我并没有再继续的问下去了,这 很 “科学” 的东西我怕老阿占会不懂,也怕影响到了他说经的心情,所以就没继续的问下去了。
昨天老阿占说了很多佛理,说到最后他问我,你都不知道这些吗?我老实的说,我不知道,之前都在忙学业和工作,很少跟和尚聊天,也没什么接触佛教。他问道, 电脑不是都有这些吗?我说是的,都有,但我没有去看。我很少去了解佛教的真正意义,在小的时候我甚至还以为佛教是来自中国的呢。老阿占听后,问我认识 “tang shang chan” 这人吗?我很奇怪为什么他会突然这样问我,我就回答到我不认识,他是谁?然后他又说了一大堆,说什么 “tang shang chan” 是走路去印度拿经的,并不是骑马去的。我越听就越糊涂,但没有打断他,反正他很喜欢重复,就在他一边重复的当而,我的 intel processor 就在那边的应作,希望可以想出来到底谁是 “tang shang chan”。过了一阵子,我拍一下大腿,大声的说 “是唐山藏!” 原来老阿占口中的 “tang shang chan” 就是要说 “唐山藏”,他不会话语,门前牙又掉到只剩几颗而已,说起话来漏风。知道了他在说唐山藏后,我就可以接话了,我问道,唐山藏不是骑马去印度取经的吗?那里 是一个人走路去的,还有一只 babi (猪) (猪八戒),一只 monyet (猴子) (孙悟空) 和 satu orang (一个人) (沙悟淨) 陪他啊。老阿占说,不是,他是自己走路去的!Taklah babi! Taklah monyet, Taklah orang! 老阿占说,他曾经到过中国的少林寺,当时的方丈 (现在已经过世了),说,唐山藏是自己走路去印度取经的,并没有骑马,也没有那些人物,那些人物只是故事书和电影想象出来的觉角色而已。哇,少林寺你也去 过?我好奇的问老阿占。他说是的,以前去过,他说那方丈是个很有知识的人,读过大学,我就问是不是释永信,即现在的少林寺方丈,他也是拥有很多学位,老阿 占不知道释永信是谁,他说那方丈已经过世了。他还提起达摩祖师,我说我知道谁是达摩祖师,他说达摩祖师的武功很了得,我听完也没表示什么,达摩祖师的故事 我很清楚了。之所以谈到唐山藏和达摩祖师,是因为我跟他说在我很小的时候以为佛教是来自中国的,他听完后就说了以上的故事。和老阿占聊天,你开个端,他就 会接下去,很好玩。他的经历果然很丰富,并不是闭门造车的修行法,另我对他又另眼相看了。
聊到一半,他指着身边的鸡说,看,他前世是人啊,今世做鸡,我们也一样,不断的在轮回,今世是人,下一世可能是狗,你看那只狗 (指着不远处的一只狗),它的身上那么多癞痢,itu sebab dosa! 那是因为它前世的业障,今世是来还的!有些人长得很好看,很英俊,有些人就很丑,这都是前世因果,但要记得,这都是 Arnata,不要留恋肉身,要借此修行,bila siap tu, boleh balik dah,修行圆满后,就可以回去了。老阿占说,我们要珍惜做人的机会,不要白白的错过了这一生。从之前的交谈中了解到老阿占的前世是泰国军人,进行过很多 次的战犯砍首行动,就乘机问起这件事,但老阿占似乎不想多说此事了,他说,sekarang tak mau fikir banyak-banyak, mau lepas! 意思就是说,现在不要再想这么多了,今世我是要来修行以达到圆满的。谈到了前世,我就心起念头了,想要老阿占多看看我的前世一下,虽然之前他帮我看了,但 希望他可以看得更详细一点,但老阿占似乎看透了我的心意,赶紧转移话题,不让我有发问的机会,呵呵。
要分享的佛理也大致上分享完毕了,以后想倒时再做补充。现在要分享的是有关地方神明的一些故事,这话题就很长,占了大概50%的交谈时间,我会分为几个阶 段来分享。一直以来对于自己写的转述蛮有信心的,但这话题我就不保证了,因为牵涉到太多的无知数了,很多东西都很新鲜,很神秘,也很奥妙。好了,未免越描 越长,现在就进入主题。
地方神明的故事包刮了宝藏区, 回来后我就念念不忘,觉得很值得再去探讨,那天就向老阿占谈起这件事,老阿占说,他们叫做 orang murnian! 我问道,什么是 orang murnian,老阿占就说,orang murnian tu orang murnian lah, mereka duduk kat hutan, lebih tinggi dari orang, rendah dari tuhan! 意思就是说,他们都住在森林里,他们比人的灵性还高,但低于神。原来 orang murnian 就是森林里的精灵啊!多么神奇啊,一般都从书上或电影得知他们的精灵,如电影魔戒里的精灵,但想不到我们本地也有精灵,这话题让我精神一振,眼球张大,一 幅 bring it more 的样子!老阿占看到我如此兴奋,就更加滔滔不绝了,跟我分享了很多有关 orang murnian 的故事。他说到一半,我实在忍不住了,又问老啊占,orang murnian tu bangsa apa? 得知 orang murnian 是古代的人,是人,总有民族性吧?如华人,暹人,所以就问老阿占 orang murnian 是什么种族的人,但老阿占还是大辣辣的那句,orang murnian 就是 orang murnian 啊!我也急了,指着自己说,我是华人,来自中国,你是暹人,祖籍泰国,orang murnian 呢?是来自哪里啊?老阿占笑说,他也不知道,他们在很久以前就存在了,然后他又引用了砂捞越依班族 (orang iban) 的例子,然后我在明白,原来 orang murnian 就是本地的土著了!老阿占说,他们长得就好像我们人一样,很漂亮,皮肤雪白光华,但他们多数都住在森林里,拥有隐形法术,我们常人是看不见的。听完老阿占 这么形容 orang murnian,我就好像孩子一样在那边闹,说我也要看!老阿占没好气的说,如果你要看,就要努力坐禅啊,智慧高了,自然就可以看见他们了。我问,除了之 前说的 padang sanai,那里还有他们的足迹啊?老阿占说,在 titi akar 那边也有,他还说了一些地方名,我忘了。老阿占说,他们存在已经好几千年了,有修的大多数都是上千岁以上了!听完我的眼睛差点没掉下来。老阿占说,他们都 是坚守佛戒的人,他们最避忌的就是说谎,他们非常不喜欢说谎的人!如果你的心不净,是无法接近他们的。
老阿占还说,他们都是懂法术的人。听完我当然不会质疑了,都可以活上千岁了,懂法术那当然是应该的了。老啊占说,在 titi akar 那边有个男人娶了 orang murnian 的后裔当老婆,新婚不久,有一天他的老婆要回娘家,就叫老公顺便买一些姜回去。可能是老公嫌麻烦,或吝啬,就买了一些而已,然后他们就回娘家去了。女方是 orang murnian 的后裔,家当然在深林里了,到了娘家,我忘了发生什么事了,只记得他们叫他的老公把买来的姜放在一个罐子里,叫他带回去。回去的路上老公把那罐打开一看, 之前的姜没有了,都是金光闪闪的金块!看懂了吗?娘家要给新婚的女婿礼物,就叫他买姜去,利用法术把姜变成黄金,但男的嫌麻烦,或吝啬,只买了一些而已, 不然如果他买整卡车的话,那整卡车的姜就变成黄金了!
继续法术的部分。老啊占在年轻时曾经跟一位老和尚,LP 什么的,不好意思我忘了名字,好像是 LP Urn 吧,到森林里修行。到了午餐时间该吃饭了,但在深山里啊,那里有什么饭吃,LP Urn 跟当时还年轻的老阿占说,你等我一下。说完就拿了钵转身走去一个地方,但不到几秒就回来了,老阿占打开钵一看,天啊,热腾腾的白饭在钵里面了!老啊占说到 这里自己笑了起来,他说他自己也感到很奇怪,在深林里,又在这么短的时间内如何烧出热腾腾的白饭,老阿占说,这是 orang murnian 的法术,因为LP Urn曾经跟 orang murnian 在山洞里住过一阵子。
更多有关 orang murnian 的故事,
Er...i believe the natives learn about buddhism some 2 thousand years ago when it first intro to southern asia. Before that i think their belief was shamanism (萨满教). Integrated the meditation technique taught by buddha, they achieved the very special level that allow them to do things out of universe law, such as long lasting life, all sort of magics (will be covered later), became invisible and etc. Throughout history, many mysterious ethnic vanish like that, example would be the famous Maya, i think they have attained the level that allow them to live in the other dimension of this world that normal ppl like us not even realized its existence. Ancient peoples simply amazing, people today built up their technology just like kids playing LEGO, 1 by 1, small step each time, ancient people no LEGO to play, they discovered something, they really go for it and achieved quantum leap.
I would not say that all this supernatural phenomena goes to the "power" of buddhism, but it cannot be denied that buddhism did play a very important role in the development of orang murnian (later i write up how LP Thep Lok Udorn linked with orang murnian), but somehow the original belief of orang murnian, which was shamanism and all those sacred science and wicha magic that they possessed, if any, did contributed to transcend them, physically, mentally, spiritually and all those -lys, i would rather say that it was the product of mixing. The same goes to the methodology of Thai amulet, local belieft + katha + buddhism, in which many ignorant in this world still innocently think that thai amulet = pure buddhism.
But lets not judging which religion is better, we are doing sharing here, share the knowledge and learn how this wonderful world could enrich our "mechanized mind"
继续分享有关 orang murnian 法术的部分。。。
在开始写有关法术的故事前,先来看看那里有 orang murnian 的足迹。之前写到在 padang sanai, titi akar 还有靠近泰国的一个森林里都有他们,其实在日莱峰 (gunung jerai) 也有 orang murnian,老阿占说在多年前他认识一位来自西藏的同修就曾经在 gunung jerai 跟 orang murnian 同处过,还向他们学法,不过这位西藏同修目前已经过世了。gunung jerai 的灵异事件一路来都不少,其中最多的是爬山者在那边的森林里失踪了,有些甚至连尸体都找不到,我想这不多不少都和 orang murnian 有关,或不小心得罪了他们,或到了他们的空间去了,不想在回来这浊世了。
好了,现在继续写有关 orang murnian 的神奇事迹。老阿占说,多年前,在北马(或靠近泰国)的森林里,有一群 orang murnian 要迁移至 Pahang 州的某个森林里,他们就叫人找来了30辆旅游巴士,然后把他们载到 Pahang 州的某个森林里去。奇怪的是,那30辆巴士在外面看来是空无一人的,其实里面都载满了 orang murnian。写到这边让我指点你一下,让你更明白: 他们要从这里的森林迁移到 Pahang 州的某个森林里是因为这里的森林多数都招到了破坏,不是被拿来种树胶树,就是树木被砍伐,Pahang 州还有很多原始森林,而且都受到了保护 (国家公园),因此他们就决定搬到那里的森林去,在那边住下去。30辆巴士在外面看起来空空的,因为他们都是精灵,都懂法术的,常人要看到他们不容易。至 于这点我就问老阿占,难道那些巴士司机没有感到奇怪吗,谁会租30辆巴士老远从北马到彭亨去,而且是没有载乘客的!老阿占说,巴士司机的确感到很奇怪,不 过有些可以从后镜中看到后面有人,而且巴士的重量增加了许多,连轮胎都凹进去了。我想那些巴士司机心里有数了,为了生计,也没管那么多了。
老阿占说到这里,看到我满脸的疑惑,就在那边一边说,一边笑。其实我的好奇心真的是到了爆点!这么离奇的事既然和现代 (巴士) 牵系到,真的是活到100岁不死都有新闻!老阿占知道我的心里在想什么,就是那30辆空巴士在行走的情景,那是多么的好笑啊!老阿占就继续说了有 关 orang murnian 隐身术的故事给我听,但我的脑袋还消化不了巴士的故事,所以也没怎么听进去,只记得他说有一次在咖啡店遇到了他们在,被他们发现了,就过来问老阿占,说你 可以看到我们?然后老阿占就和他们谈起天来,后来怎样我忘了。
老阿占说到一半,突然冒出 LP Thep Lok Udorn 的名字,我一听,本来已阻塞着的脑袋 (因为在想着 orang murnian 的那些神奇故事) 突然活跃起来,因为 LP Thep 是我最崇拜的高僧之一,我立刻说我认识 LP Thep! 他是800多岁,还活着的高僧!老阿占笑到说,他叫 LP Thep Udorn,不是 LP Thep,上次从 Phattalung 来这边跟我们结缘佛牌的那位同修就叫 LP Thep!呵呵,人有同名,这也难怪。老阿占说,LP Thep Udorn 也曾经跟 orang murnian 在泰国里的森林里相处过。我想,LP Thep Udorn 可以修得到长生不老术也应该是跟 orang murnian 那边学来的吧,因为根据老阿占对 orang murnian 的描述说,他们都活到了上千岁以上了,有时候他们看起来很老,有时就很普通,就好像我们一样,和阿占爹对 LP Thep Udorn 样貌的描述一样,就是有时候他看起来很老,有时就很年轻。听完老阿占说了有关 LP Thep Udorn 的事,我也没有把阿占爹的遭遇告诉他,只是说告诉他有关 LP Thep Udorn 的一些基本资料,如他是 Sukhothai 的人,目前已800多岁了,住在一个叫做 Tam Sheng Chang 的山洞里。老阿占听完也没说什么。
这个问题我其实也有想过,那么有能力的生命体,那么的低调,为了迁移,却那么的招摇过市。我的猜测是,他们的阶级只是比人高,他们会法术,会长生术,但也 不表示他们可以突破空间,能力还是有限的,他们只是精灵,还是有体质,而不是虚无的,无法在空间中来去自如。其实每个生命的模式都有它的限制,鸟会飞,但 叫它游泳就不能了,看那些高僧就好了,也会很多法术,但也要招受到病魔的痛苦,也得面临死亡。
orang murnian 的确很神奇,我也是头一次听到的,之前听了老阿占和那对夫妻的对话,我还以为他们是神明,想不到他们既然也是实体存在着的精灵。有关 orang murnian 的故事也到尾声了,以后想起来的活,或者又在听到老阿占说的话,必会再分享。
在分享下一则短故事 “老阿占与LP Thuad 的一些经历” 之前,再插进一些有关黑舌圣僧 LP Orcid 的故事。话说那天到了老阿占的法坛,11点多,他在上面帮一位善信处理事情,我看到他那了一些草药给那妇女吃,我就问那是什么来的,老阿占说那是治 santau 的草药。先来说明什么是 santau。 santau 是黑法术,在本地的马来人和泰籍族群中很流行,主要是通过食物或风来施放。我问老阿占,那 santau 是不是降头,老阿占说不是,后来我查了 才知道其实 santau 其实跟苗族的蛊术很相近。我问老阿占,那位妇女为什么会种 santau,老阿占说,那是因为人家妒嫉她啊,她已经来这边接受 治疗很久了,每次都给她吃这个草药,你以为这草药容易做吗?我花了很长时间才做成的!我问道,那她好了吗?老阿占说她现在已经好了。我说既然好了为什么她 现在看起来还是那么的瘦,脸色也不好,老阿占说,你知道如果中 santau 没有经过治疗是怎样的吗?全身的皮肤出血!如果她现在还没好的话,还会坐在 这边吗?我问道,那 santau 是怎样做的,当然老阿占不会很详细的告诉我了,他只是指着天花板的灯泡说,是用那做成的。我听得满头雾水,不过刚才看,有写到:
Penggunaan bahan-bahan organik dan kaca dalam penyedian santau juga menyukarkan ia dikesan secara perubatan kerana buluh dan serbuk kaca sukar dikesan samaada melalui X-ray maupun ultrasound.
才发现 santau 真的有用到玻璃来做的,或许皮肤出血是因为细微的玻璃造成的吧。
谈到了santau,老阿占继续说,LP Orcid 也是被 santau 害死的,在他最后一天的时候,他知道人家在庙里的食物下了santau,到午餐的时候,他就叫全部的人,包刮和尚们都 不可以吃今天的东西,只有他自己可以吃而已。他吃完午餐后就死了。老阿占说,LP Orcid 知道自己的劫数难逃了虽然已知道人家下了santau,但还是照样吃。老阿占没有说是什么原因,我猜是因为前世造的业,因果报应,人必有一 死,以 LP Orcid 那种境界的,早已看破了,可以还的就尽量的还吧,好让今生可以圆满。他死的时候是89岁吧,如果没有记错的话。老阿占说,曾经有一段时期在 Wat Kalai,他们的厨房外人是不能踏进一步的,如果你要什么就转达里面的人,绝对不可踏入厨房一步,因为要防人家在食物下 santau。
老阿占与LP Thuad 的一些经历
老阿占曾经在 langkawi 呆过,没有错的话就是 LP Koon 的分庙,之前有听他说过曾经在那边帮忙建那间庙。现在要分享的就是老阿占在 langkawi 时 与LP Thuad 的一些经历,很短的故事而已。
有一天老阿占在 langkawi 时突然看见有一位和尚走在湖面上!起初他不敢肯定自己有没有看错,说到这里他揉了揉眼睛给我看,然后老阿占就在附近的井边,打坐进入禅定。过了一会儿在禅 定中他看见 LP Thuad 向他走来,然后问他在这里干什么,老阿占回答说,我想看你啊。老阿占说,LP Thuad 听到他这么说后,发出 “哈!哈!哈!” 的笑声,然后就走掉了。
之前提过,他在 Gerik 也看见 LP Thuad,当时老阿占只是在谈天中轻描而过,但我就很肯定他跟 LP Thuad 很有缘份了。有几次叫他加持我的 LP Thuad 佛牌他就是不肯,说 LP Thuad 会骂他,我当时也听到满头雾水,不明白为什么老阿占会这么说,他甚至在加持佛牌时,把 LP Thuad 的佛牌握在手掌心外,就是不肯加持到他,我感到纳闷,但没有继续追究下去。不过在最后一次的拜访中我终于有了答案。话说那一天我带了2枚 LP Thuad 去那边,一枚就是我多年来都一直穿的,还有一枚就是上次在 Wat Kubang Tiga 拿到的银 LP Thuad,我拿了出来叫他加持,老阿占这次说得比较多了,他说对 LP Thuad 的佛牌他不敢念经,因为曾经有一次他对 LP Thuad 的佛牌念经,然后 LP Thuad 就出现责备他说,你很厉害吗?要对我念经?!从此以后老阿占就不敢对 LP Thuad 佛牌念经了。那天我看他对 LP Thuad 佛牌念念有词,我就问他是否念经了,他说不,他只是邀请 LP Thuad 过来而已,听完后我又问老阿占,那 LP Thuad 有没有来啊,老阿占说 “mai dah”,来了。很可惜自己的体质感觉不到,不过知道 LP Thuad 亲自来为我的佛牌加持了,我实在感到非常的高兴!
在谈天中老阿占说 LP Thuad 是很严厉的,sangat garang,非常凶,怪不得老阿占这么怕他,呵呵。我想 LP Thuad 是一位非常严格的高僧,才会修到这么高的果位。老阿占说 LP Thuad 已修到了3个果位,但我忘了是什么了,因为那些名词我不曾听过,只记得其中一个是 arahang,这我倒知道,就是罗汉的意思。
老阿占与LP Thuad 的一些经历分享到此,有什么以后再加下去。接下来要分享的是 “林梧桐的发迹与云顶的故事”,虽然说是短故事,但启发性很高,而且我也很惊讶,因为老阿占和林梧桐曾经有过那么的一段缘份,看来得道高僧的善缘可真不小啊。
那天在谈天中听老阿占说到林梧桐的发迹与一些有关云顶养小鬼的故事,觉得很精彩,就在这里跟大家分享。至于为什么会无缘无故谈起云顶,是因为他谈到有一位 善信,也就是他多年来的徒弟,骗了他母亲的钱,拿了3万块说是要捐给老阿占作为建庙基金,却把这些钱拿去云顶搏杀,结果输光光!老阿占说,没有人可以靠赌 赚大钱的,你看某某人(指他其中一位的善信),他这么有钱是因为厉害做生意,你有看过什么人是靠赌博而致富的吗?没有!更何况他还骗了自己的母亲,这实在 很糟!我说道,他的母亲也未免太有钱了吧,3万块就这样的给了儿子,老阿占说他母亲棕油地的地主,难怪这么有钱。
说回主题,就是这个故事开端了接下来云顶的故事。老阿占说,云顶那里是我们去的地方,你知道那里养了多少的小鬼吗?我摇了摇头,表示知道有养小鬼,但不知 详情。他说,里面的小鬼什么种族的都有!我好奇问道,什么种族呢,老阿占说,暹人的有,马来巫术的也有,连印籍的小鬼都有!我听完发出惊讶的声音,老阿占 顿了一顿继续说,里面的小鬼实在很多,你们进去会有得赚吗?即使你叫再厉害的法师去,我敢保证没有一个可以斗得过那些小鬼!我听完就问道,那你是怎样知道 的呢?他说以前曾经去吉隆坡帮善信处理一些问题,过后他们就载他走走,去了云顶,到了云顶之后老阿占进入禅定所看到的景象。他说,你知道云顶的工作人员有 多少吗?几千个!如果不是靠小鬼来从赌客的身上搜刮来的钱,云顶的老板那里有钱付几千人的薪水。老阿占说,你知道每天那些幕后的人怎样养这些小鬼的吗?我 摇了摇头,表示不知道,他说,他们每天都会用了很多的贡品在某个地方供养这些小鬼,每天都需要用到大量的猪头,当然还包刮了其它的贡品。所以那边的小鬼真 的很强,他说如果你戴古曼童去,这些古曼童是不能进去的,都被挡在门外,如果你带 LP Thuad 佛牌去, LP Thuad 倒可以进出自如,但 LP Thuad 是不会保佑你在赌钱这一块的。传闻云顶有养小鬼,这一回亲耳听老阿占这么一说,就更加肯定了。
老阿占天马行空的谈话/训话方式当然也扯到了云顶的发掘人林梧桐先生。他问我,你知道林梧桐是靠什么发达的吗?我说我以前有听过,好像是第一首相发给了他 云顶的地给他,再批了唯一的赌博的执照,然后他就是靠云顶开始发起来的。老阿占听完并没有反驳我,他说,其实林梧桐是在日殖时期开始发起来的,当日军占领 了马来西亚半岛后,英国人就逃离当时的马来亚,换了政权,英钞没有了价值,连纸都不如,人们就用英钞来察屁股,而林梧桐就去收集这些沾满粪的英钞,然后用 水洗干净,再收藏起来,他所收藏的英钞在当时堆满了一间仓库!我听完这些当场傻在那边,之前有听过人家说用钞票来擦屁股,本以为那是暴发户的行为,想不到 真有此事!为了确定我没听错,就再三的问老阿占,老阿占有气无力的笑笑,表示那是真的。后来,日本帝国败了,英国人就重回马来亚半岛,重振政权,不用说你 也明白了,林梧桐之前拾那些人家用来擦屁股的英钞,现在价值重新提升了,别忘记,当时他拥有整间房间那么多的英钞!后来的后来,他用了这些钱去开发木材 业,就这样的慢慢累计财富,成为了富可敌国的企业家。
愣在那边的我还陶醉在林梧桐发迹的故事,老阿占也不管这么多,一贯他的作风,嘴巴好像机关枪一样在那边一直说着不停。我回神后就没礼貌的打断他,问道,你 怎么知道这些啊?他说,这是林梧桐亲自告诉我的!我佬,林梧桐你也认识,我心里默想。老阿占似乎知道我在想什么,就说以前他有一些信徒在吉隆坡,他们都是 社会上有头有眼的人,在一次的机缘下就认识了林梧桐,林梧桐还问老阿占有没有赌博,老阿占当然回答没有了,僧人那里可以赌博,林梧桐听完很满意的笑了笑, 说道,没有赌博是最好的。曾经听老阿占以及他的一些信徒谈起老阿占在80-90年代真的很红,连杂志甚至电视都来采访过他,听完他这么一说就没有在怀疑 了,不然那些社会上有地位的人那里会青睐一位住在北马这么不起眼地方的一位和尚。我满脑子还充满着林梧桐的实际,还有他那令人羡慕的财富,老阿占立刻打断 我,大声说道 "Arnata!",(就是一切皆空的意思!) 我这才回到现实。财富再多,死后占地三尺,不多也不少,名声再响亮,也都是虚空的。我明白是明白了,但试问有谁可以拒绝名利啊,我赌气的说到,阿占,但我 还没有这些啊!老阿占不理我,继续绑他的五色幸运绳。。。
老阿占是我最喜欢,最敬仰,最佩服的本地高僧之一,这我已写过很多次,也多次向友人提起,也多次的向阿占爹说过,那天载阿占爹去庙宇派送邀请函时,在车上 也再次向他提起老阿占,阿占爹问我他几岁,他每次都只问我老阿占几岁,其它的都不问了。我说大概五六十岁吧,然后再简单的介绍了他一下。很希望阿占爹可以 认识到这位老阿占,言语上我表达得不好,不能让阿占爹进一步的去认识他,要说起老阿占的事迹恐怕一天也说不完,也不能太过显耀,在和尚面前尽量要保持低 调,不可引起大家的任何情绪,我的用心良苦,只是希望表达我对老阿占的敬仰,也希望他的精神可以被大家学习,无他了。
现在继续分享老阿占的东西。那天带了一尊佛像给他,要他帮忙看看到底有没有神在里面,虽然说他修的是禅宗,不鼓励神鬼灵体的崇拜,但他就是有这些的神通, 要帮忙善信毕竟要懂这些东西,不然如何帮人决绝问题,一般找上他的,不是驱邪解降,就是增运/补运,或者什么疑难杂症等,很少有人会上庙宇然后说我要写佛 理,我要打坐,大多数都是找师傅解决了自身的问题,从而接触佛法,有缘的话再慢慢进修,大多数人都是这样。回到神像与拜拜之说的故事。。。他看了看我戴给 他的佛像,然后笑说,这只是陶器啊,哪里有什么神灵在里面了!我摸了摸头,说之前有给和尚开光过啊,或许供奉得不好,神明跑路了?他没回答,用了一支木材 指着佛像的胸口,另一端自己拿着,过了不久他说,哦,你这尊神像是在佛具店买的,大概在100块之内吧?我说嗯,是的。但我比较好奇为什么他说里面没有神 灵了,我明明有开光过啊?我又再发问,他放下那通灵用的木材,然后说,你知道吗,神像最好是用有灵性的木材雕刻出来的,这些只是陶器而已!我当然知道有灵 性的木材雕刻出来的神像很灵验,但一般平民百姓去哪里找这些好木材的神像啊?价钱不菲啊。我问道,那什么木材最好呢?坐在一旁的马来人听到就说 Kayu Wangi,香材的意思,也说了那种木材的学名,但我忘了。那马来人是信仰回教的,来这边是因为不久前自己得了降头,来寻求老阿占的帮助,之前已经介绍过 他了,那天又这么巧的再次遇到他。老阿占听完那马来人的话,应了一声,说道,是的,那种木材很贵,如果你可以在森林里找到一近,就可以还一辆 Toyota 的汽车了!哇,听到这里才知道原来还有比黄金还要值钱的东西,脑袋轰了一阵子,意识回复后才突然想起该不会是沈香木吧,虽然我忘了那木材的马来语学名,但 我猜很大可能就是沈香木了。想到这里财迷心窍,口沫横飞的问道哪里哪里?哪里可以找到这些木材!老阿占大声说了一句,有缘的人才会找得到!又是这句话,之 前提过的 orang murnian 宝藏也是这样对我说。。。没关系啦,我对钱财没看得那么重,这些奇异的故事对我来说比较重要。老阿占继续说,之前他在森林里修行时有缘遇到这类的木材,晚 上还做了一个梦,梦里的山神告诉他如果要那些木材,可以拿去,但老阿占并没有要那些木材。。。老阿占又说,这些木材做成的神像,才会灵验啊。我心里想,谁 会不要这样的佛像啊,但我目前就只有这陶器的神像啊!心这么想,口立刻就催老阿占帮忙我,把我那陶制的神像重新灌灵!!!老阿占拿我没办法,把神像用白绳 绑起来,准备做法了。看到这里我心里暗暗的嘿嘿嘿笑了几声。只见老阿占把神像绑好后,开始念经,好一阵子才结束。结束后我又鸡婆的问道,怎样怎样?神来了 吗?(确实很三八),老阿占说有了啦!还弄了灵摆给我看,确实有了灵动,我才放心下来。老阿占把神像交回给我,再三的交待我说要好好照顾她哦,她是遵女神 (招财女神),你要可好好对待她才行!谢了老啊占,看着那被灌灵的神像,虽然说已经有了神明,但没有神通的我看起来还是一样的,因此对她看了又看,一副虔 诚的样子
老阿占看我还没走人,就说,神像不要乱乱拜!那些没开光的,或者没有神灵的,你拜久了外面的灵就会自己跑进来,因为他们也要香火啊,倒时候你拜的是鬼,不 是神。他说以前有一个人拿了古曼童的像给他看,但他一看就知道没有灵在里面的,那人却说有啊,我供的牛奶每天都会自己减少,那古曼童有喝我供俸的牛奶啊! 老阿占说,如果你不信,晚上你就守夜看看。那人回家后就守在附近,看看到底会发生什么事,到了半夜,只见两三只老鼠来喝奶。过后老阿占笑他说,现在你知道 了吧?那些老鼠就是你拜的古曼童啊
下一篇 “老阿占学习咒语的过程”,待续。。。
我将会在这里和拼老阿占学习咒语的过程与入定后所见,因为这两个转述都很短。之前有提过老阿占的大部分智慧,这包刮咒语,医术等都在梦中接受在天的师父来 传法,这些在天的师父们有当地的僧王,也是他目前供奉的师父,是一位去世了几百年的招坤 (注:招坤就是和尚王的意思),还有之前人人皆知的黑舌圣僧 (LP Orchid)以及一些神明等。由于是黑舌圣僧,经常在他梦中出现要传医术给他,希望他可以普救众生。想想看,如果有一天有神明出现在我们的梦中,那会是 一件多么神奇的事,但对老阿占来说这似乎很平常,他也持着平常心来看待,有能力就多学一些,学成后就拿来帮助有需要的众生,不是为了钱,只是为了帮助人。 他说一切众生平等,不管你是什么种族,只要找上他的,他都会尽力帮忙。他这样做不是为了钱,如果你有机会去他的地方时注意看,善信包的红包钱就这样随便置 放,这边一封那边一封,这里10块钱那里50块,他不像是一位很注重钱财的人,他说你有钱就随意给,没有钱我也不要你的钱,他说的这些话时理直气愤,潇洒 豪放,他的心里的确是这么想的。
有一次我去到那边他刚好出门了,我就坐在外面的石椅和村民聊天,他们说,老阿占的确是当地人,以前没当和尚前都在这里混的,和一般的年轻人没有两样,完全 不知道有一天他会成为和尚。那村民说,有一年他在吉隆坡工作,在路边买了一本马来文的 Mastika 杂志来看,既然看见了老阿占救人的报道,他说他当场傻眼,眼前的这位和尚不就是同样来自他家乡的年青人吗,今天既然当了和尚,还上了杂志。他说到这里我又 想起以前也有善信告诉我说,他在一场大病后就当了和尚,我想也许是他命不该绝,得获在天的圣僧帮助,救回了他一命,条件是要他继续修行,然后普渡众生。
一位在80年代曾经上当时很红的过电视节目 Majalah TV3 以及无数报纸/杂志的老阿占,很难想象到了现在他所拥有的既然是这一间双层的建筑物而已,还是善信出资建给他的,连一间比较像样的暹庙都没有。他说一切 Arnata,虚空,有缘有钱时才会去发展,他说他很希望建一间禅修中心,以教导更多人有关禅修这方面的东西,但始终没有看见他行动过。我多次问起他这件 事,他总是说有钱时才去想,没钱时想这么多做什么?我说你总得开始啊,先买地,然后慢慢建啊,他总是没有正面的回答我,他看什么东西都看得很透了,一切都 那么的随缘,这也是我欣赏他的地方。他说曾经他的在天师父曾经有对他说过,如果你要建庙,我会帮你,但老阿占似乎对发展寺庙没有什么兴趣,或许他对这方面 没有经验,或许他觉得现在最重要的是修好自己先,修己渡人,无论怎样,我都支持他的想法。
那天和我坐在那石椅上的村民是道地的暹人,他找老阿占是为了询问一些有关修行方面的东西,老阿占就像是他的导师,他碰到了什么问题就会向老阿占请教。他也 教了我很多有关坐禅方面的知识,他说一般上他是不会和陌生人聊这么多的,不知怎样今天和我特别投机,哈哈哈,在心里我也感谢他的教导,缘分吧,我想。坐在 外面的石椅上,我突然想起曾经和老阿占一起坐在这里聊天,他说道他学习经文咒语这方面的东西,今天不会,当明天一觉醒来就会了,因为在天师父会在梦中传给 他。他说得很简单,很自然,好像本来就应该是这样,口瞪目呆,心里直呼不可思议!你要努力坐禅啊!要很努力才行!你只坐了5分钟10分钟那里行!老阿占跳 跃式的说话方式有扯到了坐禅,我已习惯了老阿占的方式,就静静的坐在那边听他自由发挥。他说了一阵子,停了一下,看了我的车,笑了起来,我知道他为什么 笑,因为他想起那天我要载他进泰国时,因为忘了带汽车证件而被海关人员阻止进入的事件。我没说什么,只是傻笑,很多时候语言是多余的,会意就好。他说,有 一次他为了看他那在北海上班的妹妹,就进入禅定然后“飞” 去见她,后来还把所见告诉了他的妹妹,吓了他的妹妹一跳。老阿占总是那么的调皮,从他的语言举止可以看得见,那天我还看见他把一位相熟的善信锁在门内不给 他出来,哈哈,如果不认识他的人肯定认为他疯了。有一次在他的法坛中忘了什么情行下聊到了泰国的庙,他说有一次在坐禅时,有一位和尚把他带到靠近柬埔寨和 泰国边界的一间庙去,他笑说他是走路去的,不是坐汽车也不是坐飞机,我无法理解那是什么境界,只觉得很好奇,好奇的是为什么那和尚要带老阿占去那边,问了 之后才知道原来前世的时候老阿占曾经和那间庙的住持人有过一些因缘,今天那和尚就找到了今世的老阿占,相聚相聚一下吧。谈到了前世,我想起老阿占曾经说过 他有一世是当军官,专门斩杀战犯的,那时泰国正在和柬埔寨战争,我想老阿占和那间庙在那一世有关。老阿占总是不愿多说他的前世,他说过去了就过去了,现在 最重要的是要好好修!Nak bagi lepas! 意思就是要渡化它,让它圆满。
老阿占的其它坐禅所见在前部分我已陆续有转述出来,目前为此这是最新的故事,以后如果还有的话会再跟大家分享。请紧记,我分享老阿占的一切并不是为了要炫 耀,不是为了替他打广告,也不是为我自己打广告,只是为了分享修行的故事,以神奇有趣的方式跟大家分享,来替大家加持信仰,好让大家对修行重拾信心,展开 大家的视野,对坲理有更深一步的认识。希望大家可以好好的修佛,你不必说坐禅坐到可以飞起来才算是有成就,也不必说把佛理说到天花坠落才算是诚心,做好自 己才最重要,一切都从自己开始!修行就在每天的生活当中,大家加油!
自从前几天带了友人拜见老阿占后,友人对这位低调的老师父很是佩服,尤其是欣赏他那的那股禅风,对他匪夷所思经历更是着着入迷,今天拉了我又去见他。今天 没什么人,去到的时候有几位善信正在离开,友人拿了家里的佛像给老阿占开光。开光完毕后就聊着聊着,老阿占就从他身后一堆佛像中拿了其中的一个出来,跟我 们说它的故事。。。
他说,只有你们而已我才告诉你这佛像的来历!听他这么说,我就打起12分精神来。他说,这佛像是从印度拿回来的(这,老实说并没有什么提起我的兴趣,只可 证明他去过印度而已。) 他继续说下去。。。他说,以前还没出家的时候他有一位来自印度北部的女朋友,是在槟城的某一间泰佛寺认识的。当时老阿占在那边工作,一有空就去那寺庙念 经,就认识了这位来自印度北部的女孩子。长话短说,双方之前都经历了几段无法开花的爱情,在寺庙认识后,都觉得对方很善良,就擦起爱情的火花,等等,等 等。然后有一次老阿占就跟她回印度,也顺便问了她可不可以找到着这样的一尊佛陀,因为老阿占之前找了好久都找不到,去过的好几个国家如台湾和不丹等都找不 到,这次来到了印度就顺便打听看看。那女的想了一想,就带了老阿占去找她的公公,一位已99岁的老人,知道了老阿占的来意后,就把这佛像交给了老阿占,对 他说,拿去吧,我已经老了,无法在继续供奉下去了。在交给了老阿占这佛像后的第二天,那位老公公就去世了。后来的后来,老阿占和那位女孩子也没有开花结 果,因为那女的说她要追随佛陀的脚步去修行了。
老阿占说,这佛像已经很久了,可以说是最原始的佛像,而且是由吉普賽人做出来的,而非印度人本身。至于为什么是吉普賽人做的,这典故又是如何,我没有再追 问。老阿占拿了一罐金色的漆出来,拿了一支毛笔在那边替这佛像上漆,他说,之前答应了这佛像,每年都会为他上漆。老阿占眼睛不好了,我见状就要求帮忙,老 阿占叫我先跟佛像表明,我在心里默念了一下,就开始帮老阿占为这尊老佛陀像重新上漆。花了一段时间,虽然自己上漆的功夫不是很好,加上没有很好的工具,但 总算为这之前看起来这边黑一块,那边黑一块的佛像涂满了均匀的金漆。很高兴可以 “认识” 到这尊佛像。设计了这图片出来,喜欢佛像的朋友们可以下载,自己也会洗两张出来,一张上框自己拿来供奉,另外一张送给老阿占。朋友问我,不怕人家知道了这 尊佛像的来历后就会对它怀有不好的企图吗?我笑说,这么有灵性的佛像,还有这么德高望重的师父守护着,我想谁都偷不走它的!吉普赛人:
Complete size: Click Here
老阿占的袈裟破了,去了很多次都看见他穿着一件单薄的破旧袈裟,很想买一件新的给他,但在他的法坛中看见有好几套新的袈裟,原封不动的放在那边,是人家送 的吧我想,他都没有穿,只穿着那件旧的袈裟,看来他真的很不执著外表,那袈裟看来已好多年了,如果再靠近他一点甚至可以闻到阵阵的味道。。。老阿占确实是 个真正的修行者,他活得自在,活得自由,不被外面的世界,礼俗所约束。
Archan sihat?阿占你健康还好吗?是我最喜欢问候他的一句话。得知之前他遇过交通意外导致脚骨断裂。现在虽好了但旧伤不时还是会发作,修行人总是寂寞的,身 边没有人照顾他,看他上楼梯时一拐一拐着,我跟在身后这样问了他,他说,macam ni lah! baik 2-3 hari, mai lagi! 就这样啦!好了几天,过了几天又会发作了!他有定时做医疗,还服食自己做的草药。我们能做的,只是简单的问候,这或许对他来说是最大的安慰与鼓励了。
之前提到老阿占的法坛放了一张年轻时的照片,背景全是厚厚的书。老阿占说那是经书,他大概40岁时去到了那个地方要求研究佛陀经典,那人问他,你几岁了, 老阿占说,40岁,那人说,no no no。老阿占解释说,人脑的接受力最强的时期是20到30岁,40多岁了要再接受新的知识就很难了,这也就是为什么那人不允许老阿占去研究那些经典了。我 没问那是什么地方,也没问到底最后老阿占有没有研究到那些经典,但从他的谈话中以及那张照片看来,他好像后来有阅读过了。学佛需要的是缘分与毅力,年龄不 是问题。年轻的老阿占是个油漆工人,四处跑动,那里有工程就去哪里,机缘到了就出家到现在,他说,自己出家已30多年了。我没问他几岁,隐约中知道他属 龙,没错的话今年59岁了。
对我来说,老阿占就像一位隐世高人,躲在这不起眼的地方,继续他的修行以及普渡众生。年轻时的他曾经周游列国,经历丰富,还曾经在森林里修行过,禅修功夫 根深巩固,在修行这条道路上可以说非凡出众。老阿占一生不求名利,遵守佛戒,佛学经历丰富的他,在他那平民庸夫,不做作的外表上很难看出来,但老阿占散发 出来的总是那股深深的禅风,他用他自己的方式把毕生所学留传于世。
故事 / Story:

到达时看见老阿占坐在外面的树下,正在锤着东西。走进一看,原来在锤着泥土。好奇下就问他这用来做什么的,老阿占一贯他的作风,大声的说 “Buat ubat!”,哦,原来是用来做药的,但做什么药呢?老阿占说,这是用来做 Santao 的解药的,这些泥土很细,属于粘土型的泥土,一旦和草药配合,进入人体后就会进行 “维修” 工作,把人体内器官表面上有破损的地方修补,让中 Santao 的人不会那么痛苦,从而得于解开 Santao 的祸害。Santao 类似降头,但比降头还 “科学化” 一点,得 Santao 者将会在体内以及皮肤表层出血,因为 Santao 的成分其中之一就是用灯泡的碎玻璃做成。要知道更多有关 Santao 的故事可以参考我之前写在部落格的故事 (。
问老阿占,是谁教他做这些的,他说是乌舌 (LP Lingdam) 以及 Wat Kalai 的 CK Bao 教他的,当他们还在世时就传了这门学问给他。看他把粗泥从袋子里拿了出来,放在那容器中,一边锤,一边搅和,然后把弄细后的泥土用汤匙舀起来,放在那糖果罐里,他说等下还要用漏斗再细化这些泥土。问他需不需要帮忙,他说不必,我就随之,在旁边倍他一边聊天。之前记得他对我说过,每做一件事都是修行,专注的做,这就是禅,看来禅风甚厚的老阿占生活的确充满了禅意。我看得无聊了,就伸手进入那糖果罐玩弄那些泥土,老阿占叫我不要玩,因为 CK Bao 说这是给人家吃的,不要弄脏!(注: CK Bao 已经离世很久了) 听完那里还敢玩,赶快合掌拜拜,不好意思!过后继续和老阿占天南地北的聊,下次再分享。每次都可以从老阿占的身上学了很多东西,他就像个活字典啊。希望老阿占可以永远健康,继续普救众生。

续回上篇的故事。。。老阿占把搅细的泥土用汤匙舀了起来放在红色的糖果罐里。他一边做一边大声的说,你以为当法师容易吗!有人中 Santao
一下),多人的话,那还是吃力的,老阿占说,Tok ada tolong angkat air! Lu tak boleh nampak
父是谁,想到这里就立刻脱口而出,阿占,那位师父是谁啊,是不是山神呢?还是哪督公?老阿占回应说,Tok yang jaga telaga itu
在我还知道它们的另外一个 “壮举”
,就是陪同老阿占到对面的山里去取泥土,神!我向老阿占说,下次你要去时,告诉我,我也想去。老阿占说,不行!你不可以去!那边有 Cinnawat
注意:我分享老阿占的一切并不是为了要炫耀,不是为了替他打广告,也不是为我自己打广告,只是为了分享修行的故事,以神奇有趣的方式跟大家分享,来替大家 加持信仰,好让大家对修行重拾信心,展开大家的视野,对坲理有更深一步的认识。希望大家可以好好的修佛,你不必说坐禅坐到可以飞起来才算是有成就,也不必 说把佛理说到天花坠落才算是诚心,做好自己才最重要,一切都从自己开始!修行就在每天的生活当中,大家加油!
这里的全部的原文都载自论坛 一直以来我都是在那边发布有关老阿占的转述,现在就集合所有的文章在此处方便大家的阅读与转发。有些文章以英文发布,但大多数为华语。由于是论坛文章,所 以次序有点乱,虽然经过了整理,但毕竟还是论坛文章,所以读起来并不会像小说那样的顺。这是事实转述,不是故事,当然其中会参杂我个人的意见与想法。
首先要了解的是,老阿占并不是他的名字,“阿占”是对泰国僧人/师父的称呼,老阿占是因为他已有年纪了,我又不知道他真正的名字是什么,所以才以老阿占来 称呼他。我也没有他的照片跟大家分享,因为他不喜欢拍照,我多次要求不果,后来也放弃要拍他的照片了。他在玻璃市(Perlis), Wat Kampong Guar Nangka 也不是他的寺庙,他只是住在该寺庙旁边的一间屋子(法坛)里面而已。
最后请记得,我的分享以渡化大家为主,希望可以加持大家对修佛的信心。我所做的一切都希望大家可以从善,并无他意了。东家有东家的习俗,西家有西家的方 式,什么都好,在佛门下大家都是同修,佛门有八萬四千种,各型各式,各个都引人向善,我们怀着一颗努力学习以及真诚的心,用自己的型式来跟佛陀做更进一步 的接触!善哉!善哉!善哉!
Note: Old forum thread from my forum at
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