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Hello and welcome to my photography blog.


The following series of photo can be considered as my first "production". Photos were taken in day 2 after i bought my first DSLR camera, so dont expect much. Enjoy the green behind my Taman!

ZEN (禪)


Buddha Said (佛陀说)

Quotes of Buddha

A blast from the past

Sharing some old stuff that awake old memory ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wat Phodhichetiyaram (Wat Kampong Cina)

Note: I have visited many Siam temples in Kedah here as well as some in Thailand, you can see them all in forum thread by follow the link here (required login), but previously i take photo using DC, this is the recent visit with photo taken using DSLR camera, which is the reason why i post in this photography blog.

Today i took the Kathina event poster of "Samnaksong Melele" to WSS, paste there and hand some donation envelope to Archan Tia ask him to help raise fund. Got 1 more extra poster, was wanted to paste at Wat Kura but lazy go there cause not on the route, so Archan Tia call his friend, abbot of Wat Kampung Cina, who named Archan Cittawit. Archan Cittawit is very kind to offer his temple for the pasting of poster, so i go to Wat Kampung Cina on the back home.

Wat Kampung Cina Kathina 28-29 October 2011

Reach there around 1pm something, Archan Cittawit been waiting outside chatting with another monk. This is my second time saw him, first time was few years back when i went there for donation, since i have yet into hardcore temple reporter at that time, no interview or photo was done, then after that i tried to interview this Archan but was unfortunate enough to see him in my previous few trip.

Place where he meet devotee. Been renovated i think.

Somdej Wat Rakang and LP Kui statue? Im not surprised cause he knew Archan Tia, maybe was presented by AC Tia to him.

Above is Archan Cittawit, a ranked monk who address as "Phrakhru Siphothivithes". This temple and Archan was adored by many chinese devotees especially those who "got head got face", just look at its Ubosot building in chinese style then you'll see what i mean.

He cant speak hokkien, only thai and when i try to talk with him in malay he replied with mix thai. Im a little bit exhausted today cause woke up early in the morning to WSS, so our conversation doesnt last long. He made takrut, RM500 each all funds goes to Ubosot, kept in his room so no photo taken, cant get more info of his takrut cause communication problem. Previously he suffered from gastric, he said he drink too many 3-in-1, now is getting well. He is a nice abbot, if got chance can try to see him. He will be in WSS's Ubosot Launching Ceremony next time, he got invited from Archan Tia, he said he will be there if no accident.

He took my phone number and he said will call me during the Ubosot Launching ceremony, omg i have appointed by too many temples as photographer/blogger/reporters  

Amulet and statue created by Archan Cittawit for the Ubosot fundraising. Amulet is RM10 each and small statue RM199, big statue RM299 (if not mistaken), rentable now.

Wat Kampung Cina Kathina 28-29 October 2011, be there if you happen to be free. All funds goes to Ubosot.

Ubosot of Wat Kampong Cina, expected to launch next year, exact date not yet decided by committee, but he said will be definitely after Wat Sungai Siput's launching. Small and unuqie, like a chinese building.

Chedi, he asked me to go take the photo of it but i cant understand when he further explained what or who is inside that chedi.

Poster of Samnaksong Melele was pasted on wall by Archan Cittawit.

Note: I have visited many Siam temples in Kedah here as well as some in Thailand, you can see them all in forum thread by follow the link here (required login), but previously i take photo using DC, this is the recent visit with photo taken using DSLR camera, which is the reason why i post in this photography blog.

Important Note: All photos and content are copyrighted, do not copy or publish this page in any media without author's explicit consent.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Samnaksong Melele (乐佛寺)

乐佛寺(Samnaksong Melele)是一间坐落在古邦巴素 (Kubang Pasu),日得拉 (Jitra) 里的小泰佛寺。据说,这间小庙是 Wat Boonyaram 的发源地,在 Wat Boonyaram 还没有成立之前这间小庙就存在了,根据刘先生表示,在当年这间庙每年都有举行游行,在一次的游行中,前任的昭坤,也是这间庙的前主持人,发掘了 Wat Boonyaram 目前的所在地,然后就决定在那边建庙,慢慢的到了今天 Wat Boonyaram 成为了今天在北马最具有规模的暹庙之一。Wat Boonyaram 也是在吉打州少数拥有提供尸体火化服务的泰佛寺,据说当时在 Wat Boonyaram 还没有建立之前,人们如果要火化尸体就必须在 Samnaksong Melele 进行。所以说,Samnaksong Melele 是 Wat Boonyaram 的前身。

庙里可以看见一些神像如 LP Thuad,四面佛,观音,鲁士等,还有前任主持人置放骨灰的小庙。Samnaksong Melele 到了今天已经换了好几任的主持人了,前几任都是本地著名的高僧,也是此庙的创办人。由于村里的人不在,因此无法一一道出前任的主持人是谁,唯有在下次有机 会时在向他们拿资料。

现在,Samnaksong Melele 由 Archan In 来主持。Archan In 来自泰国 Pattaya,目前已是70岁高龄了,在5年前来到了这边就住了下来帮忙打理到现在。Archan In 在1984在泰国一间名位 Phrom Ma Wat 的寺庙接受梯度出家,替 Archan In 梯度也是 Archan In 向他学法的恩师名叫 Archan Prot。到了今天,Archan In 已在佛界修行了27年,之前都在泰国,他还曾经花了6年的时间在泰国的森林里修行,是一位非常认真,坚守佛律以及道行高深的一位和尚。

Archan In 目前在这间庙主持以及帮忙处理善信们的难题,所提供的服务有:

1)拜拉胡 (Lahu)

所谓拜拉胡既是除小人的仪式,任何人只要觉得不顺,做事处处碰到订的可以前来祭拜拉胡,当然拜拉胡必须由 Archan In 来协助方可进行。欲拜拉胡的善信必须自行准备以下:
  • 身穿黑衣黑裤,一身黑衣打扮。
  • 准备花,蜡烛以及香。
  • 煮熟的黑鸡一只,黑皮蛋4粒,黑糯米,黑豆少许,黑凉凡以及黑咖啡。
拜拉胡必须在星期三或星期四的傍晚6点钟开始,整个法会需要大概2个小时。很多善信之前很不顺,来到这里进行拜拉胡的仪式后发现运势慢慢的好转了。拜拉胡的红包是随缘的,想要拜拉胡的必须事先通知 Archan In。


Archan In 可以替善信解降或驱邪,可以在庙里进行也可以前往善信的家进行,但善信必须接送 Archan In。


所谓冲花凉就是一般在暹庙里可以看见的冲花凉仪式,但 Archan In 有点特别,就是在冲花凉后还会进行一项名为 “重获新生” 的仪式,就是使用白布替善信们 “收尸”,然后再用红布来 “接生”,从而达到重生的效果。要冲花凉盖白红布的必须自行准备花,蜡烛以及香,2尺长的白红布各一匹,2只乌龟作为放生用途。如果大家嫌麻烦准备这些东 西的可以联络 Ah Nim: 017-4952419 (当地煮饭/打杂的泰籍妇女:简单福建话,泰语,马来语),给她50块她就会帮你准备一切所需品。


在接受访问时 Archan In 说,他帮善信解决疑难是没有收费的,红包随善信们自己随意乐捐。所筹得到的钱将会作为建庙基金。由于该庙正在入口处建设一个大门,需要大约80千的基金, 希望大家可以鼎力支持,要知道帮忙出钱修庙是一件非常大公德的事,这世界上不会每天都有庙在建设,有机缘碰到的话可以说是极为荣幸的一件事,大家可以有钱 出钱,没钱出力。

Mr. Law,刘先生,也是介绍我去拜访这间庙的人。多年来他们一群人都尽心尽力的帮忙打理庙务,虽然他和我一样都住在亚罗士打,来到这边需要大概50分钟的路 程,但他们一有空就会不辞辛劳的前来庙里做义工,多年来出钱又出力,精神可嘉。由于他知道我有在帮空怀泰佛寺(Wat Sungai Siput - 编写部落格以及做一些文书/宣传的工作,因此他寻求了我的帮助希望借以网络让更多的人可以认识到这间庙宇。他说这是双赢的状况,善信有问题的可以来到庙里 寻求 Archan In 的帮忙,而 Archan In 所得到的红包钱就可以拿来建庙/修庙。他说,Archan In 是一位非常清廉的老和尚,多年来都把每分每豪都放在庙宇的建设方面,还多次因为口袋的确空到连一块钱都筹不出来了,就打电话向刘先生求助,出家人,就是那 么的洒脱,视金钱为粪土。

Mr. Chong 是其中一位在庙宇服务最久的义工之一,也是这里的理事代表,他平常都在忙自己的事业,但一到周末就会一大早的前来帮助,非常的热心,他也参与了庙里多项的建设/维修计划,对这间庙可以说是尽心尽力!

在聊着的时候来了一群善信,有说有笑,其中一位就是 Mr. Cheah,谢先生,友人笑说,别看他现在如此般生龙活虎,在他还没有遇到 Archan In 之前已到了穷途末路,快要完蛋的人了,在 Archan In 的协助下(冲花凉盖白红布),他得到了 “重生”,现在已经事事顺利了。因此他非常的感谢 Archan In,在有空时就会和家人朋友前来庙里布施。

Samnaksong Melele 也将在10月21号星期五举行第一次的 Khatina 送袈裟法会。早上7点开始,中午1点结束,欢迎大家前来参与,所凑得将做为建庙/修庙基金。

由于 Archan In 只会讲泰语以及一些极为简单的英语,因此如果要联络的话请拨打给理事会们:
  • Archan In: 017-5534332 (泰语,简单英文)
  • Mr. Chong: 019-4190615 (华语,福建话,马来语,英语,泰语)
  • Ah Nim: 017-4952419 (当地煮饭/打杂的泰籍妇女:简单福建话,泰语,马来语)
这间庙其实不难找,如果大家会去 Wat Boonyaram 的话,必须从日得拉那边来,经过了很多红绿灯之后,在要到达 Wat Boonyaram 的最后一个红绿灯处转右进入一条小路,大概过了1分钟就会看到庙牌在你的左边了。

The Monk Residence Place - Melele
Mk Putat, Kubang Pasu,
06100, Kedah.

Video showing around the area of Samnaksong Melele

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